Chapter Eight

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George planned on avoiding going to the field for the next three days, but he would keep doing so until he knew, for sure, that Clay would not be coming back. He was properly offended. He had invited Clay to come so they could get to know each other, and maybe become friends, but instead, Clay had acted like he knew George's whole life story and made assumptions about things he didn't know anything about.

Avoiding the field surprisingly wasn't that hard for George. He had been swept into meetings quite often. There was a birthday celebration set in a few weeks that need everyone's attention. It was George's birthday celebration.

If he wasn't busy in meetings, he would, now, spend more time in his room. Usually, sitting on his windowsill with a book in his hand. Which is where he found himself on the fourth day, shortly after he woke up.

A knock interrupted his reading.

It was a young maid who'd come to get him.

"Prince George, your parents have requested you."

"Thank you, I'll be there in a second."

Getting up from his position on the windowsill, he set his book on the table next to his bed. Then, he headed out the door and to his parents.

After stepping into the room he asked, "You needed me?"

"Yes. George, you have a meeting with the tailor today to get started on your birthday attire," his mother gestured to the other person standing off to the side of the room.

"We'll be off." The two left the room, his father not bothering to say a goodbye to either of them.

"Let's get started," the tailor smiled. "My name is Eret."

Eret was quite taller than George and had a, surprisingly, deep voice.

"I'm George." The two lightly shook hands.

"So, today, we just need measurements and a choice of fabrics," Eret said while shuffling through his bag, pulling out a measuring tape.

The measuring portion went by quickly. Eret measured all the important parts, while jotting them down in a leather bound notebook.

He, next, showed George some fabric swatches. There were many examples, some George couldn't see properly so he immediately ruled those out. He decided to go with a safe option.

"I think I'll go with this blue, and maybe this gray color as an accent?" George pointed to the fabric he was mentioning.

It was a darker blue that had some swirls in it, adding some definition. The gray was almost blue, which would match perfectly with the main blue he had picked.

"Sounds good. It'll be done before the celebration." Eret began to pack up his things back into his bag.

"Thank you. Have a good day, Eret," George smiled.

George left the room heading back to his room. He no longer wanted to read. He had no interest.

Sighing, he threw himself onto his bed, staring up at the grand ceiling.

It was strange. He didn't understand why he was so upset about what Clay said. Not everyone was going to like George. Plenty of other people probably feel the same way that Clay feels, but George didn't care what they thought. Maybe, it was because he had actually met Clay. George hasn't met any of those other people.

Maybe, it was the fact that he had actually wanted to form some sort of friendship with Clay. Surely, that was it, there was no other reason his words hurt him so much more than it should have.

It must be because he was so lonely.

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