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"George, do you know where I left my jacket?"

"I think it's hung up on the bedroom door," George shouted from somewhere in the kitchen

Taking George's advice he walked over to their shared bedroom, where he did in fact find the brown jacket hanging off the doorknob. Gently he grabbed it off the knob and slid his arms in.

"Clay, can you come give me a hand?" George shouted

Smiling at his voice Clay made his way into the kitchen.

"What do you need help with?"

"I can't reach the stupid plates," George paused, turning to face Clay he spoke again "You seriously need to stop putting them up so high just to mess with me."

"It's funny when you get so mad though," Clay spoke teasingly

"Just grab them please," George spoke with a smile

Clay returned the smile before reaching up and grabbing the plates, setting them down on the counter.

"I have to go."

"You'll be back before they get here right?" George asked

"Of course," Clay spoke, smiling gently at him

Clay walked through the living room, stopping at the front door, Turning to George, who had followed him, he bent down slightly to press a soft kiss on his lips.

"I'll be right back," He spoke lovingly

"You better be."

Giving George one more smile he pulled the door open, gently stepped out and closed it behind him.

Him and George started living with one another about five months after he came back. George told his parents about them a few weeks after Clay came back, his mother was very welcoming towards their relationship, his father not so much. At first he was livid, George was supposed to be married off to a lovely woman, not a man but after a few weeks of seeing how happy George was he became slightly more accepting. He wasn't necessarily happy that George was in love with a random commoner but he somehow got over himself.

Wilbur was set to become king in just a month, after his wedding. He had met a beautiful princess from the neighboring kingdom, her name was Sally. They were quite the match, Wilbur was genuinely happy when he was with her. After a few months of meeting he felt he was ready for marriage, which led to him proposing.

Karl had also started hanging around the two's shared house; he and Sapnap had started to form a very close friendship. They often hung out by themselves, usually at Sapnap's home. Karl was very accepting when he found out about Clay and George's relationship, he knew his older brother's match was out there somewhere and was happy he found him.

The familiar sight of the black smith came into his view, he had decided to stay working there because all of his friends did. Entering through the door the new employee was there to greet him.

"Oh hey Dream," Quackity spoke nonchalantly

"Hey Quackity, are you the only one here today?"

"Yup, Skeppy actually just left," Quackity answered

Clay didn't verbally answer, only giving a hum of acknowledgment. Quackity had started working there a few weeks ago, he and Sapnap became friends quickly which resulted in him and Karl becoming very close.

Walking into the back room he started rummaging through the many cabinets to find the one specific thing he was looking for. After searching for a minute he found the small black box, with a smile he grabbed it and gently stuffed it in his pocket. After successfully grabbing what he needed he headed back into the front, giving a wave to Quackity, who returned it.

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