Chapter Fourteen

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As much as Clay needed to tell George about his feelings, he wanted to make sure it was perfect. His plan was simple: he would show up to the field like he normally would, then, when it seemed right, he would tell George. It was easy enough. With that, he grabbed his jacket before heading out the door.

Clay tried to make his usual walk go by as slow as he could, he couldn't deny how nervous he was. As much as he needed to let George know the truth, he had a fear of being rejected. He didn't have time to think about that because the familiar field came into his view.

George sat there, facing toward the castle. His shoulders were sluggish and shook slightly, almost as if he was crying. Concern suddenly filled Clay's mind, walking faster to George.

His eyes were focused on the ground, not even noticing Clay had walked in front of him. He didn't even acknowledge Clay until he crouched in front of him, using his hand to lift his chin softly.

He wasn't crying, although tears were evident in his eyes.

"What happened, George?" He asked before adding, "Who did this?"

George only brushed away a tear that had started to fall before leaning forward, grasping Clay in a tight hold. It almost made him lose balance. Shifting so he was now sitting on his knees, he gently wrapped his arms around George.

Clay wouldn't have been able to tell George started to cry if he hadn't felt his shirt begin to get wet. Seeing George this upset made him upset, and angry, but he didn't have time to think about himself right now. He needed to comfort George. Which he did, starting by gently rubbing his back, which slowly turned into softly running his hands through George's hair.

After a while, it seemed George had stopped crying, but still staying in the comfort of Clay's arms.

"George, who made you this upset?" He had made sure to keep his voice soft.

"My father," George's voice was muffled, his face being covered in Clay's chest.

"What did he do?" He had returned to gently playing with George's hair.

"I don't really want to talk about it, he just doesn't like the way I spend my time. He thinks it's too girly," George turned his head slightly away from Clay's chest so his words were prominent while he spoke, returning to its original place after.

"Well, I think he's wrong."

George let out a little giggle looking up at Clay. "Of course, you'd think that."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He gently smiles down at the boy who is still in his arms.

"You seem to think very highly of me," George replied, returning the smile.

"Well, how couldn't I?"

George blushed at the simple words, hiding his head back in Clay's chest.

The two sat in silence, finding comfort in each other's arms. It wasn't until a soft snore broke the silence, causing Clay to look down at George, confirming he had, in fact, fallen asleep. He had looked so peaceful, he didn't want to wake George. Coming to the decision, he would just carry George back to his room, he knew where it was anyway, he just had to be careful not to get caught.

Gently hooking one arm under his knees and the other around George's shoulder, he stood up, bringing George with him. The sudden movement caused George to slightly wake.

"What are you doing?" George's words were quiet and slurred.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking you to your room," the soft tone of Clay's voice assured any of George's worries, causing him to close his eyes again.

Clay slowly started to walk towards the opening in the castle walls, peeking through to see if anyone was around. Just like last time, the area was empty, prompting Clay to head through and toward George's window, which he prayed would be unlocked.

When he reached the window he used last time he had visited George in his bedroom, he attempted to open it, thankfully it worked. He gently pushed it fully open. Carefully, he hoisted himself and George through the window, he realized it was his first time ever being in George's room. He didn't know what to expect but it definitely fit George.

Stopping himself from getting distracted, he walked to George's bed. Pulling back the blue blanket that laid on his bed, he wasn't met with his sheets, it was a smaller blanket. His blanket. George slept with his blanket. A smile crept onto Clay's face. He gently laid George down, laying down his blanket first, before laying the blue one on top. Giving George one last look, he headed back out the window, closing it softly once he got back out.

The walk home was short and the smile never left Clay's face. Even though the timing wasn't right to tell George about his feelings, he was still very happy. George had kept his blanket, he slept with his blanket. It gave Clay a sliver of hope, that maybe, just maybe, George felt the same. It made him want to tell George. With those thoughts, Clay let himself fall peacefully asleep.


It's been two days since then. Clay had wanted to see George yesterday but he, unfortunately, had to work. It was a boring day and George was on his mind the whole time, but work was finally over, and he could finally go see George.

The walk didn't make him as nervous this time. He was more excited to see George. Their last time together had not only made them closer, but it made Clay's feelings somehow grow even more. Once again, the field made its way into view. George was already there.

"Hi George," Clay's voice obviously startled George.

"Oh, hi. You scared me."

Clay could tell George was tired just by his voice and the bags under his eyes.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit tired," Clay sat down next to George, who immediately laid his head on Clay's shoulder.

"I'm just annoyed."

Clay could feel George shrug his shoulder.

"About what?" Clay rested his head on top of George's.

"I just don't understand why this whole party is such a big deal. There seems to be something new they need me for, like, every five seconds," George's voice held an annoyed turn, he obviously wasn't in a good mood.

"It'll be over soon." He didn't like seeing George in a bad mood. He didn't like seeing George in any kind of mood but a happy one.

"Yeah, I know," a sigh left him as he sank deeper into Clay's side.

The two stayed leaning on each other, just talking. It was something Clay never wanted to stop doing. He liked being this close to George, but of course it came to an end.

"I better be on my way home. The sun is about to set," Clay lifted his head, now looking down on George.

"Already?" George lifted his head as well, meeting Clay's eyes.

"Yes, idiot. You know I don't like walking home in the dark," he gently gave him a smile before standing up, offering his hand for help, which George took.

"You know, you don't have to walk home in the dark if you just, maybe, stay the night?" George's voice was soft as he looked up at Clay.

"What?" Clay looked down at George in shock.

"Like a sleepover," a smile broke out onto George's face.

"You'd want me to?" Clay still spoke in a surprised tone.

"Of course," George lightly pushed at his shoulder with a smile.

"Well then, I guess, a sleepover sounds great."

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