Chapter Nine

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Clay was going to apologize to George today.

He was going to do it, even if George rejected it. He knew he had to apologize. Clay felt incredibly guilty for what he said to him.

He had already formed a plan. He would show up to the field, the same time as last time. It was simple, and it could only go two ways. George would accept his apology, and then they could go on to being friends or George would reject his apology, and Clay would just have to forget about George.

It was already almost midday when Clay woke up, which meant he had to hurry. He quickly got changed and threw on a coat, not bothering to even eat anything for breakfast. He ran out the door.

The trip seemed to go by quick. The only thoughts that clouded his mind were all the things that could go possibly wrong. He quickly pushed all the thoughts away when the clearing of the field came into view.

Just like when Clay went the second time, George was not out yet. He decided he would wait a few minutes for George to come out and then, he could finally apologize.

Last time, it had only taken George no more than five minutes to get out to the field. It was nearing towards ten now. He could just be late, or, maybe, busy. He would wait for maybe half an hour, but if George was any longer than that, he was probably just busy. Clay could just come tomorrow to see him.

He didn't wait thirty minutes, he actually ended up waiting almost an hour. He had hope that George would show up. George had said previously that he pretty much spent all of his time here, so he had to come eventually? Right?

After the hour mark, Clay had started to lose hope. Maybe, George was just busy today and didn't have any time, he was a prince after all. It was okay George didn't show up today, Clay could just come by tomorrow to see him.

So, that's what he would do. Clay would make sure to wake up earlier tomorrow, so he wouldn't miss George.


The next morning, Clay made sure to wake up earlier than he planned the day before. He decided to eat some breakfast this morning. He quickly got changed and headed back out towards the castle.

His thoughts were different today. He was hopeful today. Hopeful that George would actually be there.

The field quickly came into view. Once again, a sigh of disappointment escaped Clay's mouth. George was not there, again. Clay would wait. He did come early today, so maybe George could still be eating breakfast.

He sat in the soft grass waiting for George. He would wait just as long today, or maybe longer, just to make sure he doesn't miss George again.

He waited for around forty minutes before he laid back into the tall grass to rest his eyes. It only took another five minutes before Clay fell into a light slumber.

The sun had just started to set when Clay's eyes fluttered open. Cursing at himself for being so careless, he pushes himself up off the ground. Obviously, George hadn't come. He would have woken him up if he did.

Sighing, Clay started heading back. He would try one more time tomorrow, and if George still wasn't there, Clay would need a new plan.


Clay woke around the same time as the previous days. Today was his last day of hope for his current plan, if it failed, he'd need to think of a new plan.

Settling on some toast, he quickly ate, then got changed. After grabbing a jacket, he quickly left his house and headed back towards the castle.

His thoughts today were filled by a few things: hope, disappointment, and a little bit of annoyance. He just wished George would show up so he could finally apologize and move on, in either direction.

The clearing came into view, once again disappointing Clay. The brunette was nowhere to be seen. Clay didn't understand why George wasn't coming back, he had told him that this was where he spent most of his time. He doubted George was going to come today.

Clay, obviously, had to come up with a new plan to be able to see George. A sudden idea popped into his head, not a very good idea, but it was an idea.

After a minute of thought, he slowly made his way closer to the walls that surrounded the castle. There was an opening in the walls, one big enough for a person to fit through. This is where George must come through. Peeking his head through the opening, the castle grounds came into view. Clay couldn't see much without fully going through, but the thing he did notice, was a boy sitting in a window with a book in his lap. Not just any boy, it was George.

Turning away from the walls, Clay headed back the way he came, going home for the day.

He had a new plan.

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