Chapter Fifteen

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"George, are you sure we're not going to get caught?"

"Yes. Stop worrying so much," George assured while looking at the window he had just shut.

"Well, excuse me. This just seems a little illegal," Clay rolled his eyes with attitude.

"Oh, it definitely is."

"Thanks, George. You're really helping," he sent a sarcastic smile to his friend.

"You are literally the one who agreed to this," George turned away from the window and took a seat on his bed.

"I know. I'm just... slightly nervous," he gave George a nervous smile.

"Don't be. Come sit," he patted the spot next to him on the empty bed as an invitation.

Clay smiles slightly before sitting next to George.

"For real, stop worrying. Let's do something to get you to calm down," he set a reassuring hand on Clay's shoulder.

"Like what?"

"Um, I actually didn't think that far," a nervous giggle escaped his lips.

"What do you mean you didn't think that far?" Clay's laugh followed.

"Stop laughing! I don't know," he threw a light punch to his wheezing friend's shoulder.

"You're so dumb, George."

George only rolled his eyes, laying down on his back looking up at the ceiling, while Clay's laughter slowly faded into silence.

It's a comfortable silence. George laid on his back, trying to think of something fun he could do with Clay. He usually only had to entertain himself which was easy, but he didn't wanna just read tonight. He wanted to have fun.

A poke to his side broke him out of his thoughts.

"Ow! What was that for?" He sat up straight, rubbing his side.

"Don't be dramatic, George." There was a pause and a roll of Clay's eyes before he continued, "I wanna know what you're thinking about."

"Just things we could do," George paused, "You know I've never had a sleepover or anything. Do you have any ideas?"

"I haven't actually had a sleepover in awhile, probably since I was a kid. We only ever used to play make believe and hide and seek," a smile found its way onto his face as he thought about all the sleepovers he used to have with Sapnap and Bad.

"What's hide and seek?" George spoke in a confused tone.

"You've never played hide and seek?" Clay asked in disbelief.


"Oh, George. You were missing out, buddy," a playful smile found its way onto Clay's face.

"Well, what is it? If it's that good."

"Basically, one person is a seeker and the rest are hiders. The seekers job is to find the hiders. It's really basic," Clay softly explained.

"Sounds fun. Let's play," George jumped off his bed to stand in front of Clay.

"What?" Clay paused, "It's a children's game, George," he chuckled.

"I don't care," George said sternly.

Clay said nothing.

"Please, Clay," George dragged out his words, pouting slightly.

"We would get caught, George. Someone would see me trying to find you or something."

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