Chapter Seventeen

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The castle was unusually busy when George was woken up notably earlier than most days. It was only half an hour after the sun had risen when he heard a knock on his door. Unlike usual, it wasn't a servant, it was his mother.

She had come into the room with breakfast on a tray in her arms. This was a yearly thing. It was something George remembered for the longest time. It was one of the things he actually enjoyed about his birthday. It was the only calm thing he did all day.

After breakfast with his mother, he got ready for the day. He would be able to change into his official birthday outfit before dinner, so, for now, he wore his normal everyday attire.

Heading out of his room, he was quickly emerged into the busy halls. There were three times the usual amount of servants and maids. Everyone was adding final touches before the big party. As people started to notice the young prince was out of his room, he was greeted with many hellos and good mornings and happy birthday wishes. George made sure to thank everyone while he made his way through the crowded halls. Although George enjoyed everyone's wishes, he was quite pleased when he found an empty hall where he could finish his walk alone with his thoughts.

He wasn't surprised when the familiar blond popped into his head. Clay had made his thoughts confused and conflicted. George wanted to hug and slap Clay at the same time. He could make George do anything he wanted and George would just let him. It made George feel stupid and careless. He only wanted to make a friend. This was so much more than that. As much as George hated to admit, it was definitely so much more than a simple friendship.

His mother's voice broke him out of his trance.

"George, honey? Your father and I would like to speak to you."

"Oh, alright."

The two walked side by side down the hallway that led to the foyer. His father sat in the same seat Wilbur did the previous day. He wished it was his brother he was to talk with and not his father.

"Happy birthday, George," his father's tone wasn't nearly as soft and caring as his mother's.

"Thank you," George's voice held a hostile tone.

His mother took a seat in the chair directly next to her husband. George took the seat next to his mother once she gestured for him to sit.

"Well, we just have your gift, then you can be on your way," she rests a caring hand on his shoulder.

His father lifts up a large box wrapped in what he assumed was an orange paper. With a tense smile, he passed it over towards him.

Tearing the paper gently revealed a similar colored box. Opening the box, he found a few things. They were shirts that were made of a very soft silk. They were in his favorite colors as well, blue and purple. Laying under the shirts were a few books, on closer inspection, George could tell they were books on weapon making.

"So you can focus on some important subjects," his fathers tone was smug and sarcastic.

"Oh," George paused, "thank you."

"Well honey, we'll see you at dinner."

With that, his parents rose from their seats, leaving him alone in the foyer. One event for the day done. Only two more.


Dinner was going just as he expected. He sat near the head of the table, his father was at the end, his mother on the right. Wilbur sat to the left of his father while Karl sat next to his mother. George ended up next to Wilbur, not that he was complaining. He would much rather sit next to anyone but his father.

Besides the birthday wishes he received when first sitting down, no one bothered to talk to him. He actually preferred it that way. Everyone was too busy talking to his father or Wilbur. It was justified obviously, his father was king and Wilbur was soon to be.

He was just glad he was able to pick dinner. If he was forced to sit through something as uncomfortable as this dinner, he was glad he got to eat something he enjoyed.

George didn't realize someone was talking to him until his father called for him.


"Yes?" He looked up from his plate.

"Mr James asked you a question," his voice was annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What was your question?"

"It's no worry. I asked if you've had any plans to get married soon."

The question caused George to slightly choke.

"Oh, um, I haven't really given it a thought," George's voice was sheepish.

With his response, the conversation found its way off of him again. It was true, he hadn't given marriage much thought. George couldn't even picture himself getting married to some random women from another kingdom. Sure, from time to time he had thought about spending all his time and celebrations with Clay, but that was different, that wasn't marriage.

The rest of dinner went by smoothly. No one asked anymore questions. Before he knew it, plates were being taken away, while the guests were gestured off to the main ballroom, where the party would take place.

George enjoyed this portion of the celebration too. He didn't have to interact with people too much. He could stand off to the side, watching everyone else dance away and watch them have their own conversations without him.

It was already becoming night. George was counting down the minutes until he could sneak away to meet Clay in the field. It would be soon. Once his mother and father got swept away in some sort of conversation, he could get away without being caught.

It took longer than expected. His mother seemed pretty adamant about staying by her son's side. It wasn't until his father dragged her away into some conversation with a noble from a town over. He waited a minute to slip out of the main ballroom, making his way towards a side hall.

With a smile on his face, he slipped out the side door.

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