Chapter Eighteen

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It was just beginning to get dark when Clay started his walk toward the castle. He carried a small blue box in one hand, making sure it was secure. He had a small smile on his face, growing as he got closer to the familiar area.

Soft music filled his ears as he walked closer to the castle walls. George wasn't out yet. He gently tucked the small gift into his jacket pocket with a sigh and gently sat against the cool wall, waiting for George to come out.

It didn't take him very long. After several minutes of waiting and listening to the soft music, George appeared. He didn't notice Clay at first, but turning around, the confused look on his face was replaced with a bright smile.


Jumping up from his place against the wall, he engulfed George in a tight hug.

"Happy birthday, Georgie," he softly rubbed circles on his back.

"Thank you. I've been waiting all day to come and see you," George smiled softly, releasing from the hug.

"Me too. I was so bored just sitting home," he paused, "So, how was it? The party."

"Incredibly boring," with a roll of his eye, he shifted so his back was leaning against the brick wall.

"Well, I have something for you. It might make your day better," reaching into his coat pocket with a smile, he pulled out the blue box.

"Clay, you didn't have to," George's voice was soft and reluctant.

"I know, but I wanted to," with an encouraging smile, he gently put the small box into George's hand.

George looked up at Clay with a kind smile before looking down at the gift in his hands. Cautiously, he pulls at the silver ribbon that was securing the box together. Removing the ribbon, he stuffed it into his pocket, then slid the lid off.

The inside was covered with a thin layer of tissue paper, which George carefully pushed to the side. Underneath the paper laid a beautiful silver chain. It was a necklace. Pulling out the chain, George realized a flower pendant hung. The petals were lightly painted in a soft blue color, and a small white gem was set on the center. It was beautiful.

"Clay," he paused, slightly looking up towards Clay with a sweet smile, "It's beautiful. Thank you so much."

Jumping forward, he shoved his face into Clay's chest, wrapping his arms around his waist. Almost immediately, Clay returns the hug, also wrapping his arms securely around George.

The two stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a few minutes, enjoying the soft upbeat music that played in the background.

Pulling away with a smile still on his face, he speaks. "Can you put it on for me?"

"Of course," Clay whispered, taking the silver necklace out of George's hand, he stood behind George, gently putting it around his neck and latching the hooks together.

"There you go. Looks good on you." He moved to where he was standing previously.

The statement made a light blush form across George's cheeks. Clay smiled softly at it, but decided against any teasing.

"Thank you, really. I love it."

"Of course, George. You deserve it," he smiled softly. He had an urge to reach out and put his hand on George's cheek, but he resisted it.

George doesn't speak a response, he only turns his back to Clay, looking out towards the field. Clay does the same, standing next to George. The two sat comfortably in silence, as the upbeat song came to an end, and a slow and soft one began.

"Can you dance with me?" George's voice was sheepish, merely a whisper.

"I don't know how to dance, George."

"Can we still try?" George's voice was still just as soft but held a pleading tone.

"I can try for you."

Turning towards George, he gently slid his arms around his waist. Almost instinctively, George's arms find themselves linked behind Clay's neck. The pair gently started to sway in sync. There was nothing awkward about the proximity of the two. It was soothing. George found the softness extremely comforting. He found himself moving closer toward Clay, while laying his face against the side of his neck. Clay didn't respond verbally, he only found himself tightening the hold around George's waist.

All Clay wanted to do was to tell George his true feelings. The way he made his heart beat ten times faster whenever he got near. The way that he could make him blush with the simplest words. Being in George's presence made him so incredibly happy, and frustrated at the same time. All he wanted to do was to call George his. So they could be each other's. It scared him half to death. He was terrified that George would never feel the same.

He wanted, so badly, to tell George. He just couldn't bear to see his friendship with him fall apart, having to watch that would tear him to pieces. That was the most terrifying part. How would he ever recover from truly losing George forever.

Despite the chance of losing George, there was a sliver of hope that, maybe, just maybe, George did hold some sort of similar feelings. Hope that maybe they could be together, hold each other's hands, spend all hours of the day together. Even the thought of being with George made him entirely blissful.

He could spend hours of the day thinking of a life he got to spend with George. How they could live in a little cottage, away from everyone else. George would have a garden in the fenced in backyard, where he could grow anything he desired. He could work at another black smith, and when he would come home, George would be there excited. He would greet him with a soft kiss followed by a hug. He would probably say how bored he was while Clay was gone for the day. They could have a cat, just like Clay had always wanted.

The joy Clay could have with George trumped all the worries and doubts.

"George?" His voice was quiet. For a second, he thought George didn't hear him.

"Yeah?" George lifted his head away from Clay's neck and shifted away slightly, staying still embraced in his arms.

"George, I really don't know how to say this," Clay's voice wavered slightly.

George looked up with a confused look on his face with no response.

"George, I'm in love with you, and I don't know if that's what you want to hear, but I can't hold it in anymore. I can't take lying to you anymore, and it's okay if you don't feel the same. I just had to tell you that I love you," Clay's words were filled with nerves and passion as he rushed to get his words out.


"It's okay, George. You don't have to be sorry," Clay's words were soft as he looked down at his feet.

"Clay, let me finish. I love you too." A bright smile found its way onto George's face.

Before George could even mutter another word, he's engulfed in a bone crushing hug. His feet lifted off the ground as Clay twirled him around. George laughed loudly before he was set back on the ground.

Pulling away from George's arms, Clay gently grabbed onto George's cheeks.

"Can I kiss you George?"

George nods slightly. Immediately, Clay gently pulled him closer, connecting their lips. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it was perfect.

"I love you, George."

"I love you too."

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