Chapter Seven

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Clay did not have to go into work for the next three days. George occupied his thoughts throughout those three days. Clay decided that he would take a little break from wondering around, since this time it only caused him trouble. So, he spent his days off in his home, trying to shake his thoughts away with any book he had.

Thinking about what he had said to George throughout the three days, had slightly made him feel some guilt. Although, at the moment, Clay had thought was in the right, the more he thought about it, the more he realized he didn't know anything about George's life. He spoke without thinking about George's feelings or how he was a real person, not just a prince.

Although Clay was stuck in his thoughts for most of his time off, it quickly came to an end. The three days went by quite fast for him, now it was time to head back to reality.

Walking into the blacksmith's main room, the only person Clay saw was Sapnap.

"Good morning Sapnap."

"Dream, good morning." Sapnap seemed to be in a good mood, despite it being early in the morning.

"Is anyone else working today?" Clay gestures to the empty shop.

"Oh, just Skeppy. We've been pretty slow the past few days," Sapnap shrugs while getting back to work on the sword he was crafting.

Skeppy comes out of the back room carrying some creates. "Oh, Dream, I just finished making some armor in the back. Could you go clean up for me?"

"Sure thing."

There wasn't much to do after cleaning up, besides organizing orders. Even that only took a few hours. By midday, the shop was still empty and all the work had been done. Which had led Sapnap to challenge Clay to a rock paper scissors duel.

"I've beat you like nine times Sapnap. Just give up already," Clay laughed.

Clay's laugh, which was more of a wheeze, was so contagious to everyone around. It always made everyone seem a little happier. It always brightened moods.

"One more! If I lose then we can be done," Sapnap moaned.

Clay shrugged, then agreed with Sapnap while they started the next round, which ended up with Sapnap losing, again, when he threw paper instead of rock.

"You actually suck at this." Dream wheezed, while Sapnap sat there with an annoyed look on his face.

Clay had missed Sapnap in his short time off. Having fun and messing around with him definitely took his mind off things. But this time, only for a short amount. George quickly slipped back into Clay's thoughts.

"Can I ask for your advice, Sapnap?"

"Yeah, of course, man. What's up?" Sapnap took a seat, gesturing for Dream to follow.

"It's just... I met a new friend the other day, but I wasn't thinking. I said something stupid and I definitely offended them, but I think it's too late to apologize," Clay paused. "I really actually want to be their friend, but I just don't know what to do." Clay's words were rushed and sloppy.

"Okay, first of all, calm down. Second of all, I would just suggest trying to apologize. If they don't accept, then it's done and you can put it out of your mind, but if they do accept, then you can continue to start a friendship with them."

"You're right. God, why are you always so good at telling me what I need to do." Clay chuckled with a light smile on his face.

"Oh, yeah, I'm just built different." Sapnap shrugs while checking the clock that hung loosely on the wall.

"You're so stupid."

"We can lock up and head home, no one's coming in anyway." Sapnap gets up from his seat and starts walking towards the door.

The two quickly make sure everything is put away, then they both grab their things and head out the door, locking it behind them.

"I'll see you later, man." Clay said, turning towards the direction of his home.

"Yeah, yeah. Later, Dreamy Pooh," Sapnap teased.

Rolling his eyes, he begins his walk back to his home. Sapnap was right. He did need to apologize if he wanted to have a friendship with George. So, that's what he would do. He would go back to the field and apologize to George.

He just needed to make sure George would be there.

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