Chapter Nineteen

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"I have to go now."

"Can I come?" His voice was soft and pleading.

"I wish," George pauses, putting a soft hand on the other's face, "But I think we'd get caught tonight. It's too busy."

"Next time then." Stepping forward he laid a gentle kiss on George's forehead.

"You'll come see me tomorrow?" George's voice was soft.

"Of course," he whispered while wrapping his arms securely around the shorter boy's waist.

Instantaneous, George finds his arms wrapped around him. The two stayed in each other's embrace for as long as they could.

"Okay, I really need to go now, before someone thinks I got kidnapped," George gently stepped away from the embrace.

"Alright. Good night, George."

"Night, Clay." He smiled softly and blew a kiss to him.

Clay makes an effort to jump up, pretending to catch the kiss and put it in his pocket. Which caused a bubbly laugh from George.

Sending one last smile, Clay turned and started to make his way back out toward his home. George stayed out in the night until Clay made it to the edge of the forest. He, then, made his way back into the side door, hoping to slip back into the ballroom without being noticed. But of course, things could never go as planned for George.

"George? Why were you outside?" Wilbur's concerned voice spoke.

"It's not important, Wil," George turned toward his brother.

"Well, you were out there for a bit," he paused with a smug grin growing on his face, "Plus, you were with a cute blond boy."

"What are you talking about, Wilbur?" George's voice waived slightly.

"You know what I'm talking about. Well, go on what's his name." Wilbur's voice held a slightly teasing tone.

"Can we just talk about this later, please?"

"Fine, I'll be by your room later then." With that he turned back toward the ballroom.

George let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. Wilbur wouldn't tell anyone, would he? He would definitely get in so much trouble if he did. He would probably be put on house arrest. Letting out another sigh, he made his way back toward the party.

Stepping back into the main room, he quickly searched for one of his parents. He spots both his mother and father on the other side of the room.

"Oh, George! We were just looking for you," his mother's soft voice spoke as soon as he got close enough.

"Oh, well here I am. I was actually coming over to ask if I could be excused. I've grown quite tired."

"We have someone we want you to meet. After that, you may be excused," George's father answered while gesturing for someone to come over.

"You remember Mr James, correct?"

"Yes, of course," George reached out to shake the man's hand.

"He has a proposition for you. Go ahead."

"This is my daughter, Minx." Mr James paused, gesturing to the girl that stood next to him.

George waved, a confused look stuck on his face.

"Your father and I have been talking, and it would be very beneficial for you two to marry," Mr James spoke nonchalantly.

"What?" George's voice slightly rose in volume.

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