Chapter Twenty-Four

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Six months later.

"Literally, shut up, Sapnap."

"What are you gonna do about it, George? Are you gonna cry?" Sapnap teasingly punched his shoulder.

"I'm going to kick you out!"

"How are you going to kick me out of a public place?" Sapnap rolled his eyes.

"I can do what I want. You know being a prince does have its perks," George returned the eye roll.

Sapnap doesn't respond, he only sighed before laying on his back staring up at the setting sun.

After their first meeting, him and George had started to hang out together. Sapnap found George waiting at Dream's house once again, but not for the same reason. George had said he wanted to get to know Sapnap more, that he needed more friends. They quickly became close. George could see why Clay and him were best friends. 

In some way, hanging out with Sapnap made George feel better about Clay leaving. Besides, Clay being his boyfriend, he was his best friend, and without him, George felt lonely. Becoming friends with Sapnap filled that void of friendship, and it offered a new friendship with Bad, one of Sapnap's other best friends.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Sapnap still laid on his back.

"Just how much of an idiot you are," George teased.

"Why do you always have to be so mean to me?" Sapnap faked a hurt look.

"It's just so easy," George smiled.

Sapnap rolled his eyes before shutting them.

The two stayed in silence, enjoying each other's presence.

Sapnap broke the silence after a few minutes.

"The sun's setting," he spoke while sitting up.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious."

"It means I need to get going."

Sapnap sighed before pushing himself up off the grass.

"Are you and Bad still coming over tomorrow?"

George followed Sapnap and stood.

"Yeah. We'll probably be here at noon," he offered a soft smile.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

Sapnap didn't respond. He only gave George a smile and a little wave. He turned and started to head the way toward the forest. He only got a few steps away before he turned around again.

"You better be ready, George."

"What?" George asked.

Sapnap didn't respond.

With that he turned and made his way to the edge of the field, leaving behind a confused George.

Sighing, George turned to make his way back into the castle walls. Once inside, he quickly made his way back into his room. The sun had now set, and yet it was still early in the night, but George found himself growing tired.

Sapnap always tired him out, even if they were just sitting in the field.

He quickly changed into his pajamas. After double checking if his window was locked he climbed into bed, letting his thoughts escape.

Thinking about Clay had started to hurt less. He didn't tend to think about the bad memories, the ones that consisted of Clay leaving. He tended to think of all the good memories. He often only thought about Clay when he found himself wrapped in his blanket reading a book. Although that happened often to George, he wished he thought more about him.

He wondered if Clay still thought about him. He didn't know how Clay could not think about him, but maybe he had pushed George to the back of his mind so it would hurt less.

George had tried to push all thoughts of Clay away, it had worked for a few weeks. It worked until Sapnap had brought up a story about how as kids, him, Dream, and Bad were playing an adventure game, and somehow Bad had gotten stuck in a tree. Sapnap had only told the story to make Bad embarrassed but it successfully made all thoughts of Clay rush back into George's mind.


The sun peaking through George's window woke him from his slumber. It was only about nine, so he had some time before he had to meet with Sapnap and Bad.

The smell of breakfast filled his nose. Looking at his desk, he saw a silver platter. A servant must have brought his breakfast. It wasn't unusual. Most days, someone would drop it off in his room before he'd wake up. He slowly made his way out of bed and toward his desk, where he sat. He quickly ate his breakfast, eager to do something more important.

After finishing his breakfast, he quickly got dressed in casual clothing, consisting of black pants and a loose dark blue button up shirt.

He still had almost two hours to kill, so he decided on what he would usually do. Grabbing a book, he settled back into his bed.

Before he knew it, it was time to head out to meet Bad and Sapnap. Remembering that they had wanted to read, George quickly grabbed a few books that he thought might interest them.

Making his way to the window, he gently slipped out and started heading toward the field. Not to his surprise, he found it empty. Sapnap and Bad always found a way to be late, which was usually Sapnaps fault.

With a sigh, he turned back towards the wall, maybe he had had time to run back in and grab a blanket to sit on.

Before he could take a step forward, a voice stopped him.


George knew that voice, he had tried so hard to forget that voice. But how could he ever forget the owner of that voice, he would never.

Without turning around, he spoke.

"Clay?" His voice was just a whisper.

Taking a deep breath he turned around.

He looked different. His hair was longer, and he had started to grow facial hair.

"I told you I'd see you again."

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