Chapter Eleven

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The next day came quickly once Clay had gotten home. He had to go into work once again. The day went by incredibly slow. Sapnap and Skeppy both weren't at work, so he had no one to mess around with. There weren't many orders either, meaning he had a lot of free time for a certain boy to cloud his thoughts. This time, Clay let him stay, thinking back to last night.

"Goodnight, George," Clay couldn't stop smiling at the sleepy prince.

"Goodnight, Clay."

With George's goodbye, he turned away and started to walk back towards the large hole in the wall. Clay didn't get far when George stopped him.

"Clay?" It came out as a shout because of the distance between the two.

Not wanting to be caught, Clay moved back towards the slightly opened window. "Yes?"

George's face changed from sleepy to slightly nervous.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, too, for how I reacted that day in the field. I had a lot of fun tonight and I hope we can do it again." George speaks softly while looking down at his feet.

Gently reaching forward, Clay puts his hand under his chin, making their eyes meet.

"Of course, George. During the day, it will be hard to sneak you out, but I definitely want to do something like this again." Clay offers a slight smile to him before removing his hand from his chin.

Clay couldn't see in the night sky, but a light blush covered George's cheeks while he smiled up at the taller man.

"Go to bed, George," Clay smiled.

"Goodnight, Clay," he paused. "Thank you."

Clay was excited for his shift to end. He wouldn't have to go home to be alone and bored. He could go see George.

For only knowing George for around a week, he had a strong desire to go see him as often as he could. There was something about George that made him intriguing. Clay didn't know what it was. It could be the fact that George was someone new in his life, which didn't happen often. It could also be the fact that Clay had slightly started to develop some very small feelings for George. He would never admit it out loud, but they were faintly there. It was just one of those silly crushes you get when you start to become close with someone.

It was nearing closing time, no one had come in since before lunch time. Clay thought it would be fine to close half an hour early. He quickly put everything in its place before throwing on his jacket and heading towards the door.

He didn't plan on stopping home before making his way to see George. He did decide on picking up something to eat on his way through town. Neither Niki nor Fundy were out today, so the bakery wasn't an option. He ended up deciding on a small sandwich shop, paying for two, before leaving and starting the walk towards the field.

The walk went by faster than usual. Clay walked slightly faster so he would have more time before the sun set. After what felt like ages, the castle came into view. As the castle came closer, Clay easily noticed the mop of brown hair that stuck out in the lush green surroundings. Immediately, a smile broke out onto his face.

"Oh, Georgie!"

George's head snapped towards the sound of Clay's voice, a smile finding its way on his pale face.

"Hi, Clay!" George looked up toward him from his spot in the grass.

"What are you reading?" Clay took a seat next to him.

"Oh, just something on various plants," George shrugged while closing the book and turning towards Clay.

"What's in the bag?" He pointed to Clay's hand.

"I just got out of work and I was hungry. I got two sandwiches if you want one," Clay takes one of the sandwiches out handing to George.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I just got you what I get," Clay shrugged before continuing, "It's just some chicken and cheese, nothing crazy."

"Well, thank you. I was getting hungry."

The two ate their sandwiches in silence, with the occasional chuckle from Clay when George would, either, drop a piece of food or have it somehow end up on his face.

"Stop laughing at me, idiot. Where is it?" George attempted to sound mad, while Clay just continued to laugh at him.

"It's," Clay looked around. "Oh my god." It's on your cheek." Clay could barely even talk. He was laughing so hard, he could barely breathe.

"There," George wiped his cheek. "Did I get it?" George attempted to ask, causing Clay to look up before breaking out a harder fit of laughter.

After slightly calming down, he spoke.

"Come here," Clay motioned with his pointer finger for George to come closer.

George rolls his eyes before moving closer to Clay. Clay, then, grabbed a hold of George's jaw, before using his other hand to gently wipe off the food that had ended up on his cheek. He dropped the hand he used for wiping George's cheek, the other still keeping a hold of his jaw. He didn't speak until George did.

"Clay?" It was softly spoken as he looked up toward him.

"Oh, sorry," he quickly removed his hand, turning his head away from George, a light blush covered his cheeks.

"You're fine," George looked away, also, still sitting closely.

"I, um," Clay paused, "I don't work tomorrow, so I can spend more time with you. I need to leave before the sun sets tonight."

"That sounds good. I have a meeting in the morning for my birthday, but I don't have anything else to do for the rest of the day," George smiled.

"That's right. Your birthday is coming up. What should I get you?" A playful smile tugs at Clay's face.

"You don't have to get me anything, stupid," George lightly pushed at Clay's shoulder.

"Well, I'm going to, princess," Clay lightly shoved back at George, which resulted in an eye roll from George.

The two sit in silence for another few minutes, before the sun starts to set.

"I should get going. I don't really feel like walking home in the dark tonight," Clay smiles at George before standing up, putting out a hand for him, which he takes.

"I'll see you tomorrow, right?" George kept a light hold on Clay's hand.

"Yeah, of course, I mean I have nothing better to do." Clay teased slightly while squeezing George's hand before letting go.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Clay smiled softly.

"Goodbye, Clay," George returned the smile before he turned and headed back toward the castle wall.

Clay stayed to make sure he got in safe, before turning towards the direction of his own home. The only thing Clay could think about, was what happened with George, when he helped him with the food on his face. There's no way he could have feelings for George, right?

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