Chapter Six

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Quickly turning on the ground, Clay looked up to see George standing above him. George still looked the same from when Clay first saw him the other day. He was wearing a white shirt that was messily tucked into some dark blue pants.

"Oh, George. Hi." Clay quickly jumps up while brushing his hands on his pants.

"I didn't think you were going to come back," George says calmly, looking at Clay.

Clay looked the same as the first time they met, the only difference being that Clay seemed almost tired. He has dark bags under his eyes that weren't there the first time.

"Well, I had a lot going on at work, but I had a free day today. I brought some lunch for myself and if you haven't eaten yet, maybe, you could eat with me?" Clay was embarrassed for how shy and nervous he sounded when asking the simple question.

Clay didn't know, but George was just as nervous. George had never had a 'real friend' and now was his chance to have one. He did not want to mess this up, neither did Clay.

"Oh, that's actually really kind of you! I am a little hungry."

George drops down onto the ground with a little thud. He gestures for Clay to join him, which he does after a second of thought.

"I have some fresh bread and cheese." Clay sets a portion of each in front of George.

"And for a little treat, I picked these up this morning." He then sets the little pastry next to the rest of the food.

"Thank you, really." George picks up the piece of bread, putting a piece into his mouth.

"So, why are you always out here?" Clay says gesturing to the field that surrounds them.

"Oh, well, I guess it's the one place no one can bother me," George says with a soft smile while picking up the cheese.

Clay hums out a response and a silence covers them. After a few minutes, George breaks the silence.

"So, I guess we should get to know each other, right?"

Clay let's out a little laugh before responding. "Yeah, so, um, what's your favorite color?"

"Well, I'm actually colorblind, but from what I can see, I like blue," George says with a shrug. He was used to it by now.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, don't worry about it. I'm used to it, so it doesn't bother me too much." After a pause, he adds, "What about you? What's your favorite color?"

"I like green, any shades of it really," Clay says with a soft smile on his face.

There was a pause in the conversation, as both boys ate silently. This time Clay was the one to speak up.

With a light smile on his face he asks, "So, what do you do around here for fun, George?"

"Oh, well, usually I either read or do some gardening. But I usually get bored after a while." George says with a shrug. "How about you?"

"Well, if I'm not working, I'm either out wandering around or at home reading, but most of them time I'm out." A light smile spreads across his face while he recalls all of his previous adventures.

"Like an adventure?"

"Yep. Pretty much since I was a kid I've always wanted to explore around and see what's out there. Now that I'm older, I can. On my days off, I just explore the area around the village, that's how I found this place." He makes a gesture to the area that surrounds the two.

"I've never been able to do anything like that. It sounds like fun," George says in a slightly hopeful tone. He then adds, "I've always kinda wanted to go off on my own, so I could do my own thing without anyone breathing down my neck."

"What? George, why would you ever want to leave? Leave behind a perfect life? You could have anything you could ever want. You have everything set for you." Clay's words were covered in a confused tone.

"You don't know anything about my life."  George's words were icy and had a very upfront offended tone.

The atmosphere around the two had dramatically shifted into an uncomfortable and tense situation. Clay had thought he was in the right, George had a perfect life set up for him. Being prince was the ideal situation. Countless maids to wait on, private chefs to make whatever you desired, and guards who would give their lives to protect you. Clay just didn't understand at all.

It had become clear that Clay was no longer wanted.

Clearing his throat, he stated to speak "I'm going to go."

Quickly packing up his bag with the remaining bread, he slings it over his shoulder, and begins to walk the way he came, not bothering to mutter a goodbye to the prince.

He didn't look back after he started walking. He was a little upset and offended that George was taking his life for granted. Many people, himself included, would kill to have George's life.

He had struggled his whole life to live comfortably, while George had never had to work a day in his life. It had made Clay angry, George should not want to just give that up for no apparent reason.

Clay's thoughts about the prince came to a stop when he saw his home come into view. The sun was lowered in the sky and would set within the next hour. He decided he could have an early night. He made sure to lock his door again after he got inside and slipped his shoes off.

After changing into some night clothes, he settled into his bed, not yet sleeping, just starting at the ceiling. The young prince once again clouded his thoughts. Today just proved that Clay couldn't become friends with George.

With that, he let sleep take him.

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