Chapter Twenty

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It was just past noon when Clay had started to make his way to see George. It was chilly, he had opted on wearing layers. The walk was rushed, he didn't want to be held up in the cold any more than he had to.

The field came into view, he picked up the pace as he saw George huddled in a coat, standing against the wall.


"Clay!" George excitedly pushed himself off the wall.

Rushing forward, he met Clay halfway, immediately shoving his face into his chest and wrapping his arms around him.

"What? Did you miss me?" His voice was teasingly, nevertheless, he still wrapped his arms around George.

"Of course I did, idiot," he pulled away slightly, a bright smile on his face.

Returning the smile, he gently leaned down laying a soft kiss on the shorter boy's lips. The action caused him to blush. He hid his face back into Clay's chest.

"Don't hide. It's cute when you blush." He gently grabbed onto George's cheek, holding his head up.

Jokingly, he shoved away Clay's hands, who then pouts slightly.

"Let's go inside, it's cold out here." He gently grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the entrance of the wall.

The two sneakily make their way toward George's window, which was slightly cracked open. Unlinking their hands, George pushed the window fully open. He climbed through first, Clay following after.

"My brother saw us last night," George's voice wavered slightly as he sat on the edge of his bed.

"Which one?" Clay paused, sitting next to George. "What did they say?"

"It was Wilbur, and he was okay with it. He even said he wanted to meet you," he smiled up at him, grabbing a hold of his hand again.

"Really? He wasn't mad?"

"Nope," George scooted up toward the head of the bed, laying his head on the pillows.

Clay followed, turning on his side to face George.

"I wanna cuddle."

George only rolled his eyes before scooting over, his head hid away in Clay's chest.

Clay's arms came around to wrap around George's waist, holding him close. Planting a soft kiss on his forehead before closing his eyes.

It had seemed George had already fallen asleep. Clay wasn't far behind, but before he could, they were both startled when someone barged into the room.

"George, I-"

The two jumped apart, staring at the door.

"Wilbur! Don't you know how to knock!" It was clear George was startled, and annoyed.

"I'm sorry!" He threw his hands up in defense before speaking again, "Is this him? Clay?"

"No, this is some other random man I'm just cuddling with," George said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Hi. Yes, I'm Clay."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Wilbur," he held his hand out for Clay to shake.

He sat up further toward the taller man, then put his own hand out to return the hand shake.

"It's nice to meet you."

Wilbur took a seat at the end of the bed, facing toward the two.

"So, how'd you two meet?" He questioned before adding, "I mean, George has never been into town."

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