Chapter Three

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George hadn't noticed someone else had joined him in the field, not until the visitor awkwardly cleared their throat, causing George to jump a little bit. He had dropped the book he was reading at that moment.

"You scared me! What are you doing here?" George asks firmly as he quickly jumps on to his feet.

Clay, sensing that the brunette boy was frightened, quickly backs away while putting his hands up defensively. "I'm sorry. I was just wandering behind my home... and I found this area." He makes an effort to make himself look non threatening.

The pair stood awkwardly, about three feet apart, waiting for the other to say something. After a long minute, Clay speaks up, in a more gentle tone. "Uhm... I'm Clay. Again, I'm really sorry for scaring you. I didn't even realize anyone would be here."

Hearing the blondish boy speak caused George to raise his eyes from off the ground to Clay.

"I'm George. And don't worry about it. It's just... there usually isn't anyone ever here besides me." George shyly put his hand out in front of him, prompting Clay to grab a hold and shake it gently.

"Nice to meet you George." There's a short break in his sentence as a realization breaks through his mind. "George? As in Prince George?"

Clay had really hoped that this was not the prince. He had not only startled the poor boy, but he had totally invaded his privacy.

"Yep. That's me," George let's out a little nervous giggle, while light pink grows across his cheeks.

Clay had thought it was the cutest thing to see the shorter boy get flustered. He quickly shook away the thought. "I am so so sorry! If I had realized this was so close to the castle grounds, I would have not come this way," Clay spits out quickly. He was clearly embarrassed. Who wouldn't be? He was quickly making himself look like a total fool in front of the Prince George.

"Oh no, don't apologize! This land isn't owned by anyone, so you can definitely be here." The young prince makes sure to talk in a calm tone, he could tell Clay was incredibly nervous.

"Oh, well, uhm, I won't disturb you anymore. Again, I'm really sorry for disrupting you." After Clay gets his sentence out, he turns back to the direction he came from.

"Well, you can always come back another time, if you're free or bored or something." The prince cringed at his words. It was now his turn to be embarrassed

George didn't know Clay. For all he knew, Clay could be someone sent to kill him, but he didn't feel like that was the case. In all honesty, if that was the reason Clay was there, to kill George, he could have already killed the boy and been out of there before anyone could have noticed what happened. Clay seemed too flustered and nervous to have those motives in mind, but who knows, right?

George wasn't supposed to talk to anyone he didn't know, but he also wasn't supposed to be anywhere outside the castle's grounds. Since he had already broken one huge rule, what was one more?

"Uhm, maybe." Clay thought for a second. "Goodbye." Clay turns back to the prince, giving him a quick simile before quickly turning back towards the direction he came from.

There was something about the brunette, something that made Clay want to get to know him more. Maybe it was the way George smiled at him when he noticed how embarrassed he was. Or maybe it was the way he blushed when he had gotten all flustered.

George was not the person Clay had thought he would've been. He had always thought the members of the royal family would be stuck up. I mean most people thought that. Even though they do amazing things for the city, it's just a common stereotype.

George didn't seem to be like that. Although he had only talked to him for five minutes, he had seemed to be genuine. George didn't order Clay to leave as soon as he had stumbled upon him. George almost made it seem like it was his own fault. George seemed nice. Cute even.

Did he invite him back to the field? Is that what that was? Should he go back?

He didn't know if he would.

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