Chapter 15

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~ Chapter 15 ~

Reader P.O.V

"Hey guys!" I bent down to catch my breath as fast as possible. After a while I stood up ready to get going. Dazai was just looking at me and as always, he gave me his cute gentle smile. I couldn't resist and jumped on his back and hugged him as hard as I could. He stumbled a little but regained his balance again. I smiled at him and tried to tease him a bit.

"If you smile at me like that I might just end up falling for you, you know?" He wasn't saying anything like he usually did. By now he would have whined and tried to push me off because it took his energy, but he wasn't saying anything. I tried to look at his face but I was pulled off of him. I looked over my shoulder to see Chuuya looking all mad and annoyed.

"Awwww does Chuuya Nakahara want a hug too?" I looked at him with a cocky look. He just blushed and turned around. "You should stop wasting time. You were already late so you're just making us waste even more time. And plus we have to go and see Mori. he wants to tell us something. And he specifically said you have to be there."

I was surprised at what he had just said since Mori really never cared if I was there or not. I would usually just wait for them to tell me what to do. I simply found it boring to wait for him to tell us what the mission was. But at this point I didn't even know if it was a mission. Maybe he finally was going to let me see the secret documents! Every time I always told Dazai and Chuuya how cool they were for being able to look at documents they always looked at me as if I was a bug.

They would always say, 'Trust me it's a pain to be going over documents. So enjoy your free time as much right now.' No matter how many times they told me this I could never stop admiring them. 

Together we walked to Mori's office to see what he wanted. When we got there I walked in with my head held high with two of the best partners in the Port Mafia. That's when I remembered the first time I met them. Dazai with a calm and relaxed expression. While Chuuya looked all confident and tough. I smiled at the memory and couldn't help but feel a bit sad that I couldn't have met them sooner. But I am sure there was no way I could have ever met them with the life I was living. I was grateful that Mori took me in. After a long time I felt happy again.

~ Time Skip ~

After the Meeting

...What the heck! I was all hyped for the meeting because I believed that they finally trusted me, but noooo it was only to tell us that we had 3 days off since the Black Lizard group was going to be taking over the missions for a while. I was beyond embarrassed for thinking that they had finally accepted me. But I guess I was wrong.

I turn to my left side to look at Chuuya to ask him something. "Hey Chuuya do you like me?" I wanted to see if he trusted me and cared for me since I already knew Mori didn't. But as soon as I ask my question he turns really red. I stared at him for a moment until I realized how my question came out. I blushed really hard. I bow down and apologize.

"I am really sorry! I promise I didn't mean it to come out like that. I am truly sorry" I was looking at the floor since I was too embarrassed to look him in the eye. That's when I hear a 'ahem' coming from Chuuya. "It's fine don't worry about it."

I see Dazai laughing behind me. I walk up to him and say, "what are you laughing at, sherlock?" All he did was laugh even louder. He was holding his stomach from how hard he was laughing. When he was done he said, "It's too bad that Y/n doesn't like Chuuya. That means I can make you like me. Right Y/n?" He grabbed my chin to make sure I looked at him while he said that.

I smirked at what he was trying to do so I decided to play along. "Yeah sure I don't see why not. As long as I can take control." I back up and walk away from him. "Oh yeah, Dazai. Don't let it get to your head." I wink at him and continue to walk away. I felt proud at what I had just done. I jumped up and down at how happy I was. It felt nice to have friends.Hmm...friends. Yeah they are my friends. I put on a bigger smile. I guess this day wasn't so shitty after, right?

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now