Chapter 5

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~ Chapter 5 ~

Dazai P.O.V

Me and Chuuya had just finished giving Y/n a tour around the building. We were going to go eat lunch but then out of nowhere chuuya says, " Let's invite Y/n to come...but just so we can get to know each other!"

I looked at him with a serious face. He just looked down to the floor and said nothing. It was obvious he was blushing but I didn't want to mention it. Instead I thought of a mischievous idea. "Y/n sure is pretty don't you think Chuuya? I mean she is cold and blunt when she speaks to people but I can get past that. I don't mind a small talker." When I looked at him he just looked upset. He didn't say anything but just look at me. It was getting very annoying with the whole silence. So I just started to walk to the elevator to get to Y/n's floor.

It sure was a pain in the ass to go all the way up there. I was about to turn the corner to get to the elevator when I saw Y/n and Akutagawa Arguing. I wasn't too surprised when I saw it was Akutagawa. He was always arrogant and very up tight he could never be wrong. But the only sort of good trait he had was that he always listened to me. He looked up to me and admired me not that I really cared. To me he was just another person in the Port Mafia.

Y/n and Akutagawa were still arguing. I heard Y/n say things not a single person dared to say to Akutagawa. At one point Akutagawa activated his ability to attack Y/n, I was going to jump in and save her but she dogged it on time and made this sort of illusion of Akutagawa's ability attacking him. She started to run but as soon as she turned the corner she bumped into me, I was giggling at what just had happened and told her I just came to get her to eat lunch with Chuuya and I. I teased her by calling her cutie and getting close to her. I didn't mind this sort of physical contact but she probably did because she pushed me away quite roughly. I didn't give it much thought so we just kept walking until she reached Chuuya.

Reader P.O.V

" Hey Chuuya!" I screamed. I wanted to irritate him. It seemed as if he didn't like me so I was also planning to ask about that. But first we HAD to eat, I was starving to death and my stomach couldn't handle it anymore. "So are we going to eat? I'm starving."

"Yeah sure that's why we invited you."

"You mean why YOU invited me?"

"ShUT UP! I didn't invite you." Chuuya blushed while saying this. It was so obvious he did but I just couldn't hold back my laughter.

"Alright, alright then YOU didn't invite me."

We headed to a small building next to the Port Mafia building. I guessed it was a secret restaurant only used by the Mafia. But I didn't care as long as we got to eat.

We ordered what we wanted a left when we were finished. We chatted about ourselves and other things too but then Dazai asks me, "So Y/n why did you join the Port Mafia?"

I was a little taken aback from his question but I didn't mind answering it, "I have two reasons why I joined the Port Mafia. I joined because I had nothing better to do. I don't have anyone to take care of or anyone to take care of me. My parents are dead and my other family members don't want me around so I didn't have anything holding me back. Plus I needed food and a place to live in. And the other reason why I joined the Port Mafia...that I'm going to keep a secret." I smiled why eyes that seemed dull and bored, but in reality I was just too tired to smile with happy eyes.

They both just stared at me. Not with a surprised face nor with a sad face, they just stared at me. Not going to lie but it was getting very scary so I decided to speak up, "ummm so do you guys need something, you guys keep staring at me it's getting very creepy."

"Oh sorry but you are just so cute when you seem sad." Dazai smiled at me while saying that.

"Ehh! What did you just say?!" Chuuya sounded a bit irritated. Not that I was different. I didn't like Dazai saying I was cute. It made me feel small and weird.

"I said she is cute when she is sad. Is there a problem, Chuuya" Dazai reached out to me and hugged me while looking at Chuuya. I tried to get out the hug but then Chuuya said, "Let go of her, can't you see she is uncomfortable." With that Dazai let go of me and sat down. They looked at each other in such a serious way it made me have chills.

~ Time Skip ~

When we got back to the building we waved our goodbyes and walked our separate ways until I felt someone pull my arm. It was Chuuya, he looked straight at my eyes and asked, "can I take you to your room?"

I didn't think much of it so I agreed to it without a second thought.

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now