Chapter 3

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~ Chapter 3 ~

Akutagawa P.O.V

I was coming back from a mission. I was tired. Higuchi wouldn't shut up and kept ranting about me and sometimes mission stuff. It was so obvious she was trying to impress me but it was just annoying hearing her. I was going to use the elevator but then I saw a girl coming out of it. I had never seen this girl before. She looked around my age and she was a bit pretty but not so much. I wanted to know who she was since I didn't know her.

"Who are you?" That's what I asked her. I knew I sounded like an ass but I didn't care. But it was her answer that threw me off. Instead of saying her name she just said "Port Mafia Executive." I was expecting a name but I guess she was a bold one. I did get a bit mad, she was being bold and sarcastic. But it looked like she didn't know me. I was a bit shocked that she didn't because everyone was talking about me. Everyone feared my and my ability.

"What's yours?"

"Akutagawa." I wanted to sound confident I wanted her to know my name. She already sounded more mature,confident,bolder than me. I just wanted her to know that I could be that too. But I'm guessing I sound cocky and arrogant because she started to grow irritated with me.

"Ugh you sure are so boring. You want things done without any fun. The least you can do is be nice to a new team mate. But no, instead to act as if you were the real shit and look down on people." I could tell she wasn't afraid of me but still holding back. She wasn't scared but she wanted to keep her distance for her own safety.

"If I were you I would watch your mouth. You are just some weak little girl trying to act as if they had the guts to actually fight me." She pissed me off. I was her senior and she should have respected me. We had only just met but I wanted her to know all this. I felt weird being with her. She was arguing with me but I didn't mind that I wanted to talk just a bit more.

"Wow! You see you are such a pushover. Damn I bet you make enemies fast. If I were you I wouldn't underestimate me. Out of both of us I am very sure I am the better one. People like you are the ones that piss me off the most. Wanna know why? Because you are all bark but no bite." I was mad she said these things. I didn't care if I hurt her at this point I just wanted her to shut up. I didn't want to hear her anymore.

I activated my ability Rashoman to make her shut up. She dodged it though, she has good reflexes. I went for the second attack but out of nowhere I saw another Rashoman

Coming straight at me I had to dodge but when I turned around to see if it was coming again I didn't see anything. I turned the other direction to see if the girl was there but she had gone too. Now I was questioning her ability as well.

I decided to leave it at that. I was still tired and I didn't want to keep going. Instead I went to the elevator and to the floor I stayed in to rest and later I would ask around who this new girl was. 

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