Chapter 7

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~ Chapter 7 ~

Reader P.O.V

The next morning I wake up to my phone going off. I was never a morning person so I let it be for around 5 minutes until I heard a loud knock at my door. I got so lazy I had to almost crawl on the floor. I open the door welcoming in a raging Chuuya.


"...Shhhhhh. You are being really loud right now." I put my finger over his mouth. I knew he was yelling at me for a valid reason but it was morning I wasn't going to argue with anyone in the morning. Instead I close the door, pick out a cute outfit and head out.

(clothes references) 

We both head to the bottom of the building and there I see Dazai just standing there without a care of the world

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We both head to the bottom of the building and there I see Dazai just standing there without a care of the world. As soon as he sees us coming he says, "Ah your here already. Alright then let's go."

"Where to? Chuuya came screaming to my door without telling me where we were going."

"Well today we have our first mission together. Isn't that just so amazing." Dazai had this sarcastic tone when he spoke but I didn't care much about it. I just started and followed them wherever they went. Soon enough we came to a stop at a sort of factory surrounded by a forest. It wasn't too deep in though, anyone could have seen it.

"Alright let me explain a little bit of what this is. The men in there are making and selling fake weapons saying that the Port Mafia is doing them. Obviously that isn't true and has caused us many problems now, so we are just going to get rid of them today." Dazai wasn't too enthusiastic about the mission. And to be honest neither was I. It just sounded so childish.

"Alright so we won't need to do a lot of work. Alright I'll do it I don't mind doing it by myself. But I do need Chuuya's ability to carry out the weapons. Is that fine for both of you?"

"It's fine by me just hurry up you to I want to go back and try a new suicide method."

I was shocked when he said that. I didn't know Dazai was suicidal.

"Ignore him he is always like that so get used to it. And I'll go with you so hurry." And with that we both headed for the building. We stopped about 8 feet from it and saw that there were men outside with guns. I guessed they were there to just guard. And it was obvious they didn't have an ability or else they wouldn't need the guns.

"Alright listen up, I'll make an illusion so they can't see us and distract them so we can slip in through this door. Is that ok?"

"Yeah. ready in the count of three...1...2...3!"

"Nocturnal Wind!" I activated my ability to create an illusion of another man infront of them so they would put their full attention on him instead of us. I also create an illusion so he wouldn't be able to see us. And just like that we ran inside without trouble. As soon as we go in we see this sort of hallway. It was dark and it seemed to be very long. I had to run a bit while Chuuya just flew his way into the end.

When he came back he said, "There's a door at the end of the hallway so hurry up."

"Shut Up I'm already running to go over there!"

"Slow poke." He said in a way to tease me.

"Whatever." I said in an annoyed manner.

A few minutes later I finally had reached the door. It looked to be out of metal. I turn around and look at Chuuya, "are you freaking serious. You could have used your ability and broken this door open and gotten the job done easily. But instead you made me run all the way here. Idiot."

"Sorry but it was just entertaining." He had a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Ok anyways, hurry up and open it and I'll make an illusion."

With that he kicked open the door why I had made my illusion. When the men turned around they saw nothing but the door being on the floor. We just walked in as if nothing had happened. All the other men just walked up to the door to see what had happened and saw there was nothing there. They looked amazed at what had just happened and as soon they turned around they saw me and Chuuya. Chuuya had made all the weapons levitate and we were about to head out when this man came running at us with a metal bar. 

My ability has its limits. Obviously it can't really be used for fighting so I did have to learn how to fight when I was a little girl. Especially in the kind of neighborhood I lived in. When I saw the man coming I turned around and kicked him right on the head. I laughed after because the way he landed on the ground was just too funny to keep quiet.

"Shut up and hurry you manic!" Chuuya yelled. He used his ability For The Tainted Sorrow ro make me flout. And with that we were out of that place.

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now