Chapter 2

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~ Chapter 2 ~

Readers P.O.V

When they said their names I was a little bit bored. They looked like children and immature...not that I was any different. Anyone could easily tell they didn't get along. They wouldn't even look at each other and they would roll their eyes at each other if they did. I giggled a bit because it was just a funny thing to see.

"What are you laughing at!" Chuuya said. He looked mad at me as if I had done something terrible.

"Nothing short stuff." I laughed again. I couldn't help it. He was small like an inch shorter than me. It was so cute how he acted like the tough type when it was clear he was the baby between both of them.

"Exactly my point! He definitely needs to grow more. Anyways...Mori why did you call us here?" said Dazai. He was calm and very relaxed. He was so cool but he looked like a mummy with all those bandages on.

"Well Dazai, as you see this is y/n she is going to be a new Port Mafia executive and I would like it if you and Chuuya are her partners. She is new so please treat her well. Show her around and talk with each other. She will explain her ability to you guys and you guys can explain your ability to her." Mori said.

With that dazai and Chuuya nodded and started to walk away from there. I followed from behind. I could be very cocky and stubborn but I could be just as shy with people. Especially new people I met. When we stepped out the door they both stopped and turned around to look at me. "Well let's show you around and chat. We will need to know your ability to see how it can be useful when we go to missions." Dazai said.

"Well as you know I am Y/n and my ability name is called Nocturnal Wind. It allows me to make illusions. But to my ability there is another part. It's called Crimson Moonlight. This other part about my ability makes my illusions come true. It also allows me to control the mind of others. I could see what my victims are more terrified about and make that a reality. But the downfall of this part of my ability is that I lose complete control of my body and try to kill anything that moves. The only way for me to stop is if I get knocked out." When I said the second part of my ability Chuuya looked at me with wide eyes. As if he was amazed or could understand what I said. While Dazia on the other hand had a smirk on his face. I didn't know why but he looked very pleased with my ability.

"Well we won't be needing to knock you out when you use Crimson Moonlight anymore." Dazai said with this confident tone. While I looked at him in a confused way. I mean there was no other method that I had known about that could stop my ability. But then he proceeds to say, "My ability is called No Longer Human. My ability allows me to nullify any other ability without any exceptions. But I do have to come into physical contact with the ability user or the ability itself. That's why we won't need to knock you out. I can just touch you and cancel your ability." With that he stops talking and then Chuuya looks at me directly and says, "My ability is called For The Tainted Sorrow. I can manipulate gravity. I can use it for myself and other objects around me including people. But just like your ability my ability has another half. The second half of my ability is called Corruption. This part of my ability allows me to control gravitons and make black holes but I also lose all control of my body when I use it."

I looked at him with a blank expression. I didn't know what to say. I mean it was cool but so complicated to understand. Instead I just looked at him and said, "cool." And started walking away from them both. I could hear Dazai laugh at the response I gave Chuuya. It was clear he was trying to impress me with his ability so I just wanted to mess with him for a bit. I turned around curious at what his expression was and I was surprised to see him red with his face facing down. When he saw that I was looking at him he quickly cleared his throat and started to walk in front of me.

~ Time Skip ~

When we were done with the tour around the building they left me at the room I was staying in. We said our goodbyes and left. When I walked in the room I saw a bed big enough to hold at least 4 people. The room was really spacious and warm. There was a bathroom that had a bathtub and a shower separately! As soon as I was done I jumped on the bed and laid down. I was exhausted from the walk and the whole meeting with Mori. But then I noticed a phone on the desk next to my bed. I guessed it was the new phone I was going to use to communicate with the other Mafia executives. I decided to go out by myself and walk around. It was getting pretty boring. And it was surprisingly quiet. I go down the elevator and when I go down and the door opens I see this boy. He had black hair with white tips. And he wore clothes that would be worn in the 16s. When I walk out he turns around and asks me, "Who are you?"

"A Port Mafia executive." I didn't want trouble around here, not that I was scared of him but I didn't know how powerful he was so that definitely didn't give me much of a benefit. But he was giving the arrogant ora so that kinda pissed me off. So instead of telling him directly I wanted to play with him a bit.

"Well that's obvious or else you would be dead. What I mean is what's your name?" This time he spoke with a more sarcastic and confident tone.

"What's yours?"

"Akutagawa." He sure was cocky. Only a total idiot wouldn't be able to tell. "Now, tell me your name."

"Ugh you sure are so boring. You want things done without any fun. The least you can do is be nice to a new team mate. But no, instead to act as if you were the real shit and look down on people."

"If I were you I would watch your mouth. You are just some weak little girl trying to act as if they had the guts to actually fight me."

"Wow! You see you are such a pushover. Damn I bet you make enemies fast. If I were you I wouldn't underestimate me. Out of both of us I am very sure I am the better one. People like you are the ones that piss me off the most. Wanna know why? Because you are all bark but no bite." I wasn't trying to start a fight but I had to lose my parents to some weak little pigs. And the fact he called me "weak" was nauseating. I really couldn't stand him. He was obviously burning with rage but I couldn't care less. I said what I meant and he shouldn't have looked down on me.

But all of a sudden this black figure came straight at me. Luckily I was fast enough to dodge it but it was coming back again. While it was coming back I activated my ability. "Nocturnal Wind!" I made the illusion that his own ability was coming for him. While he dodged my illusion I quickly started to run to the nearest turn. As I give the turn I see Dazai smirking. I stop to look at him and realize he is laughing at the argument I had with Akutagawa.

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now