Chapter 12

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~ Chapter 12 ~

Reader P.O.V

They turn to me and they both shout, "What?!" I was a little surprised by their reaction since I didn't think they would care much if I left or not. I start to fidget with my fingers to the point I start to bleed. I was suddenly really nervous to speak and tell them what I planned, but I got the courage to tell them.

"Well yeah. I told Mori to change me with different people or to just put me solo. I really don't mind. But the reason why I made this decision was because I didn't want to make it uncomfortable for you guys to be around me or around both of you. And about the problem in the morning I already got over it, and it was sort of my fault for not being responsible and making you guys do things that you shouldn't have to do." I look down to the floor as my eyes start to tear up. I was sad but at the same time I knew this was for the best. They were already partners, and I was just an outsider who came in.

I wanted to make friends and have a place to call home, but at the end of the day I only came here to disturb people. I then feel two arms around me, embracing me and holding me close as if not wanting to let go, not ever. I look up and I feel tears falling down my face. Then I felt another two arms hugging me from behind. I feel weak, but not the bad type of way. I felt weak in the way where if I couldn't be partners with these two then I wouldn't know what to do.

I turn into a position where I can hug both Chuuya and Dazai. That's when Chuuya speaks, "look I also meant to apologize but you kept giving me the silent treatment. But I'm going to take the chance now and say I am sorry for saying all those harsh and unreasonable words to you."

"So are you going to still change partners? I mean I am pretty sure Chuuya doesn't want you too. And to be honest neither do I." Dazai says while looking down to hide his rosy cheeks. I knew that I definitely didn't want to change and that I enjoyed being their partner. I turn to see them and with teary eyes say, "yeah, no I think I'll stay here and keep bugging you both. What do you say about that huh?" I smile and try to make the atmosphere less depressing.

They both look at me and nod their head in approval.

~ Time Skip To The Next Day ~

It was a weekend meaning there was no work for me at all. I was relieved I didn't feel like getting up. But I really badly want to use the restroom so I went up and ran to the bathroom. As I was exiting the bathroom I heard a soft and delicate knock at my door. I was confused on who it could have been. I open the door and peek out. I saw a little girl smiling at me. I stared at her for a while until I asked her, "umm can I help you with something?" she seemed familiar to me like if I had already seen her. That's when it hit me, she was the girl that was with mori the first time I met him.

" HI~ I am Elise and I wanted to see if we can talk and play together?" She had the innocent look but I felt this sinister aura around her as if she could have killed me right there and then if she wanted to. But I decide to ignore it. I smile at her and nod my head.

"Can you give me some time though? I need to get ready to go with you."

"Yeah sure! But hurry up, ok?" I nodded again and I was about to close my door but then I hesitated but then opened the door again and asked her, "Do you maybe want to come in?" I didn't want to leave her outside. I felt that would be rude. She looks at me for a second and then happily nods and comes in.

I change very fast into something cute and simple. I didn't want to wear all black since that was the color I wore the whole week straight.

(Clothing reference) 

I hurry up to Elise and tell her I am ready

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I hurry up to Elise and tell her I am ready. She walks next to me and holds my hand. I don't mind her doing this so we both smile and take off to our little date. We get to the bottom of the building and go outside. We laugh and chat like two sisters. Elise talks about how Mori treats her and how he has a soft spot for her. Which surprises me a bit since he seems to be cold as ice. And that's our day over and we head back to the organization. 

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now