Chapter 4

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~ Chapter 4 ~

Reader P.O.V

As I turned the corner I saw one of my partners, Dazia. He had a smirk across his face as if he was pleased with something. I was still breathing pretty heavily because I ran but I managed to ask, "What happened? What are you doing here?" He stared at me. He didn't have to look down; we were the same height. Chuuya was just like an inch shorter.

"I was going to go ask you if you wanted to eat something together but I heard a bit of a conversation...a very good one." He was smiling with such a creepy face I was kinda weirded out. That's when I realized he was talking about the argument I had with Akutagawa. I was embarrassed but I was more nervous of what he was going to say. I had to ask him something.

"Are you mad that I fought with one of your people?"

"What?! No of course not. I was just amazed you stood up to him. But I guess you don't know who he is right?"

"No. I don't." I did guess he was strong because of the way he acted and spoke. He was way too confident for his own good. All that confidence was going to be his downfall. He looked down on his victim and that made him turn a blind eye to their actual strength. I knew Dazai knew that or else he wouldn't be so calm about what I had said. Ever since I was a little girl I have always been good at reading people and predicting their actions.

 "The person you just fought is an underling of mine. As you can tell he has a very short temper and he doesn't have skill to fight. But what you said to him must have hurt his ego a whole lot for him to react like that fast. He would have just argued back but your words new where to hurt him. Is that something you do or does it just happen?"

"No, I am good at reading people that's all. That's why I joined the Port Mafia. I could tell Mori wasn't a type of guy to lie to you. If the truth was that you were going to die he would tell you without sugar coating it.

"Ah I see! You know you sure are interesting. I guess you aren't as boring as you seem." He said that while getting very close to my face. He lifted my chin up with his finger so I could see him. I backed away feeling a bit uncomfortable, I didn't really like physical contact after what happened to my parents. I didn't like the whole concept of getting close to someone. That's why I was always mean,blunt, and dry while talking to people. Though I loved playing with people's feelings. Their reactions after being embarrassed were so cute. It got me everytime. I could never get enough.

After I backed away and pushed his hand away I said, "so about that meal you were talking about before is it still on the table? That was the reason why I came down."

"Well yeah of course! We were about to go so let's hurry so we can catch up to chuuya~" Dazai seemed more enthusiastic than usual but I didn't mind, as long as it didn't affect my mood I was alright with it. I was following behind him but out of nowhere he shouts, "Hurry up cutie~" I immediately felt myself turn red. I rushed to walk in front of him so he wouldn't see me.

"Awww is little cutie being shy now~" I heard him say in an annoying but cute way. I just acted as if I didn't hear him and just kept walking but faster. But then I stopped and realized something. I didn't know where the exit of the building was. I was dragged in so I didn't get the chance to memorize the structure of the building. I turned around and cleared my throat, "So..are you going to show the way or do you want me to waste an eternity looking for it."

"No it's fine. Please ;little cutie follow me!" And with that I followed him to the exit to. When we got down there I saw Chuuya leaning against the wall. His shadow fell behind him. He was just standing there calm and relaxed as if nothing in this world could bother him.

"Hey Chuuya!" I yelled. 

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now