Chapter 1

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 ~ Chapter 1 ~

Readers P.O.V

As I was being dragged down the hall by two mafia executives, others stared at me. Not that I cared anyway. I mean after I lost both my parents by some low life thugs, I don't think anything else can really hurt me. We stopped at a big door, it looked so old and boring I just couldn't help but giggle. I knew well that I could have used my ability to get away, but I knew too well what this building was. I was the Port Mafia. When I entered I saw this little girl drawing on the floor and a man on the other side of the room sitting at his desk. I looked at him with such a bored look that I think he even felt bad for me.

"Y/n, is it? I have heard a lot of things about you. I'm Mori Ogai, leader of the Port Mafia. It's nice to finally get to meet you-" Mori says before I cut him off.

"Yeah? Well sadly the feelings are not mutual." I say with a cold and blunt voice. Honestly I just wanted to go home. I couldn't stand the stench of blood in this place. But he proceeds to say,

"Well Y/n I don't believe that is possible. You see, I would love it if you can join the Port Mafia. With the ability you have you would be very useful around here, and I am very aware of the situation you are in about your parents. So I see why you can't join." As much as I hated his little act of good guy he was right. I didn't have a reason to say no. Both my parents were dead, no family members wanted me around so I didn't have an excuse to refuse his offer.

"Let's say I agree to join. What would I get from this. In other words what are my benefits." I was living in an apartment I could barely pay rent. I would work as a helper around my neighborhood and still wasn't enough. Jobs wouldn't accept me since I was only 14 years old. So I really needed a place to stay with food.

"If you're referring to shelter and food you don't need to worry about that. We can provide you with all your needs here. Plus you wouldn't need to worry about somebody killing you here." He says in such a sadistic way.

I knew this place was not the best. I knew that I would have to learn everything in such a difficult way here but yet I would have wanted that then to be alone and no having anyone by my side. At least here I would have him and other people. I could make friends here and alliances. It was all better than the miserable life I was living. That's why I choose to say yes. I didn't know what else to do. I just wanted a home. People I could call my family even if it meant that at the end I would end up hurt.

As soon as I agreed he grinned and said, "Alright what a wonderful choice you have made, Y/n. I promise I will try my best to help you in anything you need but first you need to meet your partners. As all executives here you are also going to get partners to help you out. I have chosen two of my best people to be with you. They are the same age as you, 14 so you should feel comfortable with them."

As soon as he says that the door opens two boys come in. One has bandages around his arms and the other one has a hat. The one with bandages looked very calm and not so stuck up. He looked so calm and chill. I knew we were going to get along quite well, I mean knowing that I am very unmotivated to do anything gave me that sort of hint. But the other boy. He looked very confident. The way he walked,looked around and even in his body posture. It gave him away easily. I mean if this was really the Port Mafia I could have taken all of them down easily. They stop right next to me and look at me. And with that they introduce themselves.

"Hi I'm Dazai."

"And I'm Chuuya." 

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now