Chapter 16

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~ Chapter 16 ~

Reader P.O.V

~ Time Skip - 3 years Later ~ [ Y/n is 17 now]

It's been 3 years since I have worked in the Port Mafia. Not a lot has changed besides the way I feel towards Dazai and Chuuya. We play around by flirting with each other which has led me to grow feelings for both. I first realized my emotions for Dazai the night we first flirted

After I had walked away from them and went to my room I lied there thinking and thinking of what I had said and done. About the way he talked to me, held me, touched me. I blushed at the thought of him holding me in his arms. That night I couldn't sleep. All sorts of thoughts came into my head. Bad, good, weird, intimate thoughts. I hated myself for thinking such a way of my partner. Not just a partner but a friend.

For Chuuya my emotions were sort of like a crush then a full well 'like.' Chubby always did call me nicknames like cutie, beautiful, n/n. I guess all those small details were the reason why I fell for him. I loved the way we argued all the time. It was definitely never boring with him or Dazai.

Dazai was calm while Chuuya was hyper. They were the perfect balance to be around with. Now the question is, what do I do? I obviously can't tell them. I am too scared of being rejected and I don't think they like me in that sort of way. They probably saw me as a friend. Or even worse, a sister. I tried to ask them if they liked someone but everytime I did they would somehow doge to answer the question directly. It would go like this, "hey Dazai. Do you like someone?"

"Well Y/n what do you think?" He would never answer the question. It sort of pissed me off but I figured there is no point in knowing. At the end he could never like me. And with Chuuya he just straight up would say, "I don't see why that should matter to you." I didn't really mind him not telling me...ok I did but it's not like I can force him to spit it out. My ability isn't much of use when use when it came to torture. Unless I used Crimson Moonlight. And I definitely wasn't going to use that part of my ability on someone.

I have been trying to avoid them as much as possible but every time I do the closer they try to get. When they ask if I want to go out with them to get coffee, I decline. If they want to hang out, I decline. I hide my feelings with fear of them finding out. And that's how it's going to stay. At least I hope.

( Sorry I didn't post Friday like I was supposed to but I was really busy so I am going to make it up today with a small Chapter. It's not long at all but hopefully starting next chapter I will start the whole love quarrels. So Bye Bye! And Merry LATE Christmas too all of you!)

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now