Chapter 10

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~ Chapter 10 ~

Reader P.O.V

"Yes?" I say with hopes of getting this conversation done as soon as possible.

"What are you doing hiding yourself?"

"O-oh me umm nothing just trying to have a nice and CALM afternoon. How about you? How have you been since last time?"

"Stop lying why are you hiding yourself?."

I didn't want to tell him that it was because I fought with Chuuya in the morning for being rude but I wasn't going to lie to the Port Mafia's most wanted man so I didn't have a choice but to tell him the truth.

"Well you see, I sort of got into a fight with Chuuya in the morning and I didn't want to see him so I just left and didn't go with them to the mission we had today."

He stared at me blankly without saying anything. I just started back at him waiting for him to start making fun of me for being too easy to trigger, but instead he just said, "then do you want to come with me? I have to go check something out and I'll be done but I think your ability is going to help me a bit."

I nodded at him since I didn't have anything to do and if I went inside the building I still wouldn't have anything to do since Mori still wouldn't give me documents to see. I guess they still didn't trust me. Not that I cared. But then suddenly I realized something. I still hadn't told Akutagawa about my ability so how did he know?

"Hey Akutagawa. How do you know what my ability is?"

"Last time I attacked you I saw my own ability come at me but then I noticed it was fake. I wanted to know what your ability was so I saw your record and saw that you can create illusions. That's why you're going to help me. You're going to cover me with illusions and get me inside the building I need to see."

"You looking through my record is sort of creepy, you know." it definitely wasn't something I felt comfortable with so I felt weird.

"It's not like you're anything special so there isn't much to hide. Also your parents-" he was probably about to ask about them. I really didn't feel like talking about them so I had to change the topic fast.

"Y-you know I have been meaning to ask you, what is your ability?"

"My ability is called Rashomon."

"Oh. And what does it do? Is it for combat or like mine where not really useful for things..well unless I am using Crimson Moonlight. But that's besides the point." I giggle at the thought of using that part if my ability.

"Well it's like a demon I can control. And yes it's useful in combat." He talks in a very bored way.

"Sheesh dude can you at least try to pretend that you want to talk to me. I am bored here, following you to help you on a mission that I don't have to do but yet I am being nice and helping you out." I was so over trying to not make it awkward it was just irritating.

"We are here," Akutagawa says. I look up to see the place but as soon as I see what's in front of me. It was Chuuya and Dazai. They both were standing there looking directly at me..well at least Dazai was. Chuuya was looking somewhere else just to avoid eye contact. I turn to look at Akutagawa and he says, "Dazai told me that if I found you to bring you to him."

"We found you Y/n!" Dazai yells. He immediately runs up to me and hugs me. I tried to push him off but he was a lot stronger than me so that was of no use. He finally backs away and says, "where were you this whole time? We tried looking for you but we had to go to the mission so we had to stop looking for you for a bit. I told Akutagawa to look for you in our stead and luckily worked."

I was mad I didn't want to see them yet, especially Chuuya.

I grabbed Dazai's shoulder to bring him down to my height. I whispered in his ear, "I don't want to see Chuuya yet. Please let me go for today. It's fine if you give me work to work on but not with Chuuya." He shot up when I finished talking and looked away with red cheeks. "Hey you ok? Do you have a fever Dazai? Why are your cheeks red?"

I reached his face to feel it. I had to put my pall on his face to feel his face. "Huh?! Ah no don't worry Y/n it's that's it." I still had my hand on his face and suddenly I felt a violent tug at my wrist.

"He said he's ok so don't touch him anymore." Chuuya said in an intimidating tone.

"Chuuya. Don't pull her like that you might hurt her." Dazai said

I turned to see Dazai and said, "if that was all Dazai can I go now?" He turned to me and nodded softly. "Tomorrow be ready though. Ok?"

"Yeah." And with that I turned and left the scene. 

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now