Chapter 9

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~ Chapter 9 ~

Reader P.O.V 

~ Time Skip to 3 days later ~

Today was my day off of work. Well more like I didn't feel like working. In the morning Chuuya and Dazai always come knocking at my door to wake me up since I never wake up to my alarm. At this point it's muscle memory so I don't worry. My only problem is Chuuya. He won't ever shut up when he comes to my door. But this morning he crossed the line.

~ Few Hours Earlier ~

I was having such an amazing dream until I heard a loud banging following with yelling. I walk up to my door and open it with such annoyance. And was greeted by yelling and another guy trying to make the other one shut up which led to some more arguing.

"Shut up Chuuya~ you're always loud and obnoxious everytime you come to wake me up."

"Well I wouldn't be if you woke up to the alarm that was set up for you! And besides it's not my responsibility to come and wake you up!" Chuuya yells at me with annoyance in his tone.

"Yet you come here and take your time to come wake her up every morning. And without fail you never miss the time to wake her up. You know it's like a routine at this poi-" Dazai said with a teasing smirk on his face, but was cut off by Chuuya covering Dazai's mouth.

"W-Whatever! I was only trying to get her to be more responsible! Plus she is technically useless and doesn't even try her best when we go on missions. She is lazy and very boring. There is nothing good about her if you ask me she is just a little girl-" Chuuya said in a cold and blunt way.

I feel him getting irritated minute by minute. I could feel how mad he was getting as if he was going to say something very offensive to me. I knew it was coming. I felt weak so I couldn't make him stop at that moment. I was scared, scared at what he was going to say and at my reaction. It was coming. I could feel it. But then he said, " No wonder your parents died. They were as weak as you are."

I didn't think straight at the moment. All I could do was just go with my instinct. That's when I heard a loud slap. I then realized I slapped Chuuya. I looked up at him with hatred in my eyes. I could feel my blood boiling from the anger. Dazai just stood there not daring himself to make a move or a comment. I closed my door, walked in, dressed up in whatever I could find got ready and opened my door again to go out. I didn't even look at  them. I wasn't mad at Dazai but I couldn't face him at all right now. I walked past them not looking back. I could hear Chuuya trying to call out to me but Dazai was holding him back. I had tears in my eyes. They could say or do anything to me whether it was yelling,hurting, or screaming at me but I can't stand when anyone talks about my parents like that.

~ Time Skip to Present Time ~

"And now I am sitting on a roof top not doing anything because I have nothing to do! And I don't want to go back!" I was tired the whole morning so I was exhausted. I didn't feel like going back because I didn't know if they were there but I didn't think they were since they did have to go on a mission... "Alright let's go back!"

I get to the building and try my best to not be noticed by anyone but then I bump into someone. I fell to the ground and hit my bum. I shut my eyes tight at the instant pain I felt. I looked up at the person I bumped into and to my luck it was Aktugawa. I get up and quickly apologize to him and walk past him as fast as I can. I didn't want him to try to start another fight and plus I was hiding from everyone else so I really didn't need the attention right now.

"Hey you!"

I suddenly heard someone call out to me and I had a very good idea who it was. I turn around to see Akutgawa standing right behind me staring down at me. I get chills down my spine on how scary he looked. I certainly didn't remember him like this the last time we saw each other.

"Yes?" I say with hopes of getting this conversation done as soon as possible.

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