Chapter 20

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( HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Q!! I don't know how to spell her/his name and I was to lazy to search it up so I just left it at 'Q.' XD )

~ Chapter 20 ~

Chuuya P.O.V

I was losing. He was ahead of me. He confessed to her already. While I am here swallowing my feelings. Hiding them with the fear of losing her. They don't talk about it but it's obvious how they talked to each other. I came to see her to see if I could gain the courage to confess too but like always...I'm scared.

But you know might as well risk it. I went to buy a gift for her to use it as an excuse to see her. I saw some chocolates and hesitated to buy them. It was troublesome to look for a gift for her. I knew her so well it amazed myself a bit. She was simple but confusing. Easy but difficult. I decided to buy the chocolates at the end.

I set them on the floor and stepped aside. She opened the door and saw the chocolates. She grabbed them and giggled. God, I held my breath everytime she giggled. How much I would have given anything  just so I could hold her in my arms.

"Did you enjoy the gift." I smile and approach her. I wanted to make her feel comfortable as possible.

"Yeah I did. A bit cliche though." she laughs. She sighs and this huge silence comes in. I was at a loss for words. "Do you maybe want to come in?" she says. I wanted to be the one she needed just like I needed her. I smirk and say, "Yeah, sure."

Reader P.O.V

He came in and I closed the door behind us. I turn around to see him comfortable laying down in my bed. "No please make yourself as comfortable as you want. Not like care." I say with a sarcastic tone. I open my drawer where I keep all my alcohol. I knew Chuuya loved drinking, especially wine. "You want some?" I hold up the bottle of wine to show him.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, thanks." He sighs as he gets up and walks towards me. I turn to serve us two glasses of wine when suddenly I feel two arms around my waist. Chuuya did this often when he wanted attention, so I was pretty used to this kind of psychol contact.  "What happened now? Did someone call you short again? You have to get over that you know. Just accept that you won't grow anymore." Lately Dazai and some other Port Mafia executives have been teasing him nonstop about his height. And as we all knew he is VERY insecure about his height.

"First, nothing happened. I just wanted to hug you. Second, I AM NOT SHORT! I AM STILL GROWING!" Chuuya yelled so hard I was pretty sure everyone on my floor heard. At that he yelled right next to my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut as if that would help. I turn around glaring daggers at him. "Next time you scream in my ear I will kill you."

He lets go and backs away. "S-sorry I forgot to keep my voice down." I sigh in frustration. I walk towards my bed and sit on it. Chuuya following behind me sits next to me. I give him his glass of wine while I just stare at mine. I felt at ease so gulped the wine in one go. I let an exhale of celebration to what I had just done. Chuuya just stares at me with wide eyes.

"Don't stare at me. Anyways what happened did you need to tell me something or what?" I smile as gentle as possible to ease him up a bit. He looked stressed and very stiff. I laughed in my mind at how ridiculous he looked. I wanted to cup his cheeks and just squish them.

"Well I came to ask you something. It's about Dazai. Did he confess to you?" Chuuya sounded very off. But when I looked at him he seemed fine. He had the same blunt expression on his face. I was a bit thrown off by that but knew what the answer to the question was. And I didn't intend to hide it either, I just didn't think it was necessary to talk about it.

"Yeah I guess he did, why?" I cared for both Dazai and Chuuya. I liked how they treated me. I loved how they were. And I don't want to keep anything from them. " And did you accept or something?" Chuuya seemed eager to know what my answer was. As if his life depended on it.

"Umm I told him to give me time to think...for certain reasons." I couldn't tell Chuuya that the reason why I didn't accept Dazai's confession was because I had mixed feelings about him. That would be so embarrassing. I would have to dig myself a grave and die in it.

He didn't say much after that until he said, "N/n what would you do if I said that I liked you" I froze for a minute when he said that. I had been thinking what I would do if he found out that I liked him and now he wanted to ask me what I would do if HE LIKED ME.

What was I supposed to say to that? 'Oh Nothing' or ' Umm possibly date you if I don't struggle with trying to choose between the two guys that I like.

Chuuya then grabbed my hand. He looked at me with his bright blue eyes and with gentle whispers said to me, " Y/n I like you."

( This is out of curiosity but.....who would you pick? Dazai or Chuuya? Just wanted to know for like maybe future ideas XD )

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now