Chapter 8

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~ Chapter 8 ~

When we walked outside we saw Dazai sitting under a tree just sleeping there. I stomped my way over to him and yelled, "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" I kicked him in the stomach forcing him to wake up. He lays in the ground holding his stomach because of the pain. I did know that he let us do the whole mission but I atleast thought he would keep watch. I didn't think he would just be lazy and not do anything.

I hear Chuuya in the back laughing at what he just witnessed. "What are you laughing at sherlock?"

"Who are you calling Sherlock you dummy?"

"Well who the hell am I talking to, sherlock?"

After I said that he started to yell at me and we fought non stop that morning.

~ Time Skip ~

We went back to the Port Mafia and hung out together for a while.

" Hey Dazia, are you suicidal?"


His answer kinda stunned me for a second. I didn't expect him to answer in such a calm manner, and at that he didn't even hesitate to answer. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable with my next question so I made sure to think carefully of my words. " Dazai, why is it you wish to die? Of course you don't have to answer it if you don't want to. It's just a random question."

He looked at me with no emotion in his face. He doesn't say anything for the first 30 seconds, but then says, "is there any value to this thing we call living."

I don't say anything when but I wasn't surprised at what his answer was. I simply nodded and looked straight ahead not showing any emotion to what he had just said. I was a bit hurt by what he had just said since I was starting to grow fond of them but there was nothing I could do to do going based on his answer earlier. And not just that but they were...cute to put it in simpler terms. I could feel my face heat up at the thoughts I was having, I turned to see if they were looking at me and just to my luck they were. I immediately look away embarrassed until Dazai who was the closest to me turns my face to face them and asks, "why is year face red?"

"Huh?! Ah no it's nothing I am just a bit hot don't worry about it."

"Your lying~" Dazai says with his famous mischievous smirk.

I then see Chuuya just looking at me with a confused face and just try to put on a fake smile.

~ Chuuya's ~ P.O.V

When we came back from the mission we decided to chat for a while and out of nowhere Y/n asked Dazai why he was suicidal. I guess she did notice what he said back at the mission but not like anyone wouldn't notice. I guess it would be weirder if she didn't ask about it so I see where she was coming from.

Dazai answers in a very serious tone which caught me off guard since he never is serious. I frown a bit at the thought that he actually is taking his time to hear and be serious with Y/n. I was feeling uneasy with this feeling but I didn't know what it was so I ignored it for now. I just kept looking at them and hearing what they were talking about.

Suddenly Dazai turned Y/n's face towards us and then I noticed that her face was red. Dazai asks why she's red and she just says it's because she's a bit 'hot.' I clenched my hand and released it at the sudden realization of what I was doing. I didn't feel necessarily mad but I did feel a bit upset.

She then turns to look at me and I just give her a confused face to not show her what I was feeling. Well at least what I think I was feeling. I just hope it's not what I think it is because if it's love then that's going to be a big problem.


Sorry if this chapter is a bit short but I was running short on time so I had to make it in a bit of a rush. 

I hope you enjoy it!!

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