Chapter 19

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~ Chapter 19 ~

Chuuya's P.O.V

When Dazai told me he had feelings for Y/n I got upset. I think I fell for Y/n the moment I saw her. I wanted to look cool to our new partner. I wanted them to look up to me. But when I saw she was a girl I was surprised. Not that it was something bad, I just thought they were going to be a guy.

She had h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. She was perfect in my eyes. But there was something off about her. She was shy and blunt. She clearly was very uninterested in us and the Port Mafia. I came to the conclusion she was forced to join. I remember she made a comment about my height. She pissed me off but for someone reason it made me all warm and fuzzy inside

I looked down while pinching the edge of my hat. I was blushing?! That's when I probably started to feel something for her. But once again I have to ruin everything when it's at it's best. I hurt her. And I shouldn't have. She gave me the silent treatment for a long time. She kept things to herself. She no longer laughed. She no longer made the day brighter for us. She was just as blunt as the day I met her. But she is just an angel that she forgave me. Another reason why I loved her. Wait...I loved her?

Reader P.O.V

It's been over a week since Dazai confessed his feelings for me. We haven't given him an answer for the fear that what I feel may not be true. Call it commitment issues but I simply am not ready. I do have some sort of feeling for him but I can't pinpoint it yet. Today we had to train since we have been getting low on stamina. Especially me.

"Ho-hold on guys." I gasped while the salty sweat dripped off my body. We had been training since the morning and it was currently the afternoon. I put my hands on my knees to keep my body up.

"y/n are you ok? Let me help you up." Dazai asked as he got my arm and put it around his shoulder. I didn't think much of it until I realized he probably was tired too. I stepped away pulling my arm away from him. I looked at him to see if he was fine. But instead he looked a bit, mad?

"Are you ok Dazai? Did I hurt you somewhere?" I tried to touch his shoulder to see if I did hurt him but he stepped back.

"Do I now make you uncomfortable Y/n? Is it because of what I said to you at the bar?" He looked truly hurt. As if someone had taken something so precious of him. I was scared that I had done something wrong so the first thing I did was hug him.

"I'm sorry. I am very sorry I just thought that you might be tired so I wanted to let you relax." I was hugging him when I felt two arms around my waist pulling me away from Dazai. I turn and Chuuya is there hugging me from behind. My first reaction was to blush. I squirm trying to get out of his hold but he says, "why are you trying to get away from me? You let the mummy touch you but why can't I at least hug you?"

"Who the hell are you calling a mummy, kid?" Dazai argued.

"Umm well Chuuya it's not that you can't hug me it's just I was trying to comfort Dazai right now. That's all." I didn't want to make him feel bad too but to my luck it didn't go like that.

"I need comfort too, you know. I'm human as well." Chuuya was pouting like a little kid that couldn't get a toy.

"Alright, alright I'll comfort you too but let me go first. I want to rest." I sighed in defeat.

I started to walk away to go sit but out of the corner of my eye I could see Chuuya and Dazai glaring at each other. If looks could kill they would both be dead. I gulped but kept walking. I didn't want to be in the middle and have to separate them.

~ Time Skip ~

I was ready to get in bed but I heard a knock at my door. I sighed in annoyance since I didn't want to interact with any human at the moment. It was self care time and I was being interrupted. Yet I walked to my door and opened it. To my surprise I saw a nox on the floor. It was red with a heart bow on top of it. I grab it and bring it in.

When I opened it there was chocolates inside. I giggled at the cliche scene I was living. Moments later I hear another knock. I open my door again to see Chuuya standing there with his fancy hat all high and mighty. He says, "Did you like the gift?"

"Yeah I did. Thanks." It got quiet really fast. I wanted to end this awkward atmosphere so I stepped aside and asked him, "Do you want to maybe come in?" He stares at me and simply smirks and says with that cocky tone of his which is to die for, " Yeah, Sure." 

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now