Chapter 11

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( I know that the picture up there has nothing to do with the story but I just thought it was so Cute!)

~ Chapter 11 ~

Akutagawa P.O.V

I had just finished with my mission when I suddenly got a call. To my surprise it was Dazai. "Hello."

"Hi Akutagawa!~ How you doin?~" The way he sounded told me he wanted me to do something for him.

"..Did you need something?" I was definitely not in the mood to put up with his little childish behavior.

"Ahhh you're so boring Akutagawa. But anyways...I want you to find Y/n and bring her to the address I sent you right now." When he finished that sentence I heard a small 'ding' on my phone. I opened the message and it was the address he was talking about.

"Bring her to that address and tell her you're only going to do a mission and you need her ability to complete the mission. Ok?" He said it as if I didn't have a choice and I had to do it. So I sighed and said, "ok."

I ended the phone call and walked to the Port Mafia building hoping to find her in her there. But as I was walking in I stopped for a brief second before stepping in, and that's when I got pushed roughly. I turn around quickly to see who dared to push me, but to my surprise I see Y/n on the floor whining about what had just happened.

When she looks up she widens her eyes as a little bit of fear can be seen in them. I extended my hand to help her up and make her stand up.

I try to start a conversation about why she was hiding herself but she definitely doesn't want to talk. I forced her to talk and she did but by the time she was finished talking about how Chuuya was being rude to her and for the ones she cared about, it was awkward. 

I lied to her about how I needed her ability to get past some guards and easy enough she believed me. When we arrived at the address Dazai sent me I told her that we had gotten here.

Dazia and Chuuya suddenly popped out of nowhere and that made Y/n turn around to face them. I didn't want to be part of this problem but I didn't want to leave without Dazai's permission either. That's when Chuuya signaled me to go, I hesitated for a moment but at the end I did as I was told.

~ Time Skip to Present Time ~

Reader P.O.V

It was the next morning after the fight with Chuuya. I woke up to my alarm and headed to the lobby by myself every morning. It turned very awkward between me and Chuuya but I never tried to talk with him. And even if he tried talking to me I would always walk away or just talk to Dazai at the same time Chuuya would try to talk to me.

I honestly didn't mind ignoring him. Actually I found it kind of fun, especially when he would get frustrated with me. But what they didn't know is that I had already talked to Mori about changing partners. I didn't mind if I was alone as well but he said he would still prefer it if I had someone watching me. So I guess I was going to have a new partner.

I planned to tell the boys today because I did grow to care for them so I didn't want to go without a proper 'goodbye.'

When I get to the lobby I see them there waiting for me. When Dazai saw me he smiled at me like he usually did every morning. Dazai was about to speak about the mission when I cut him off.

"Umm Dazai. I wanted to tell you guys something." When I said this both Chuuya and Dazai turned to look at me. I was under pressure since I didn't want things to end on a worse note so I was going to tell them this in the most calm and relaxed way possible.

"Well I wanted to say that I am going to get a new partner. I still don't know who it is yet but I did want to tell you guys a proper goodbye before I left you guys." I started to fidget with my fingers because of how nervous I was. When I turned to face them, they both looked in shock and at the same time they yelled...


[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now