Chapter 17

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~ Chapter 17 ~

Reader P.O.V

Screaming, yelling, crying. That's all that could be heard in the basement of the Port Mafia. After 3 years of working with them they let me do more personal missions. The basement of the Port Mafia was used for only torture methads. I used Crimson Moonlight only when Dazai was around. That part of my ability allowed me to get into my victims minds and use their biggest fears to make illusions.

We had just finished torturing a person for information the Port Mafia needed. I was exhausted. "Hold on guys I'm tired, let me rest for a bit." I panted for air.

"Sure just don't get too comfortable n/n. We still need one more person to interrogate before we go." Chuuya said. He had matured a lot in 3 years. He didn't yell as much and he didn't look down at people. He was calmer and he would listen to me whenever I told him to be quiet. That's one of the reasons I fell for him. He was a good listener.

While Dazai on the other hand he turned a bit more whiny. He asked for more attention if he didn't have enough. He would complain to me if he wanted something or if Chuuya bothered him. He turned into a big baby over all. It was cute sometimes but other times he was just too much, it got annoying. But to be honest it was...cute. I wouldn't change them for the world.

"You ok there n/n?" Chuuya sounded worried. That's how he was. Always looking out for me.

"Of course she is. I would never push n/n too hard. Right n/n?" I giggled at them arguing again. " Yeah I'm fine Chuuya. So don't worry about stupid things." I smiled at him with approval that I was alright.

I sighed and got up. " Alright then I'm ready you can bring the other one in." I wanted to get it over with and go and rest.

~ Time Skip ~

I was heading to my room. It was a long day after all and not an easy one at that. As I was walking I could hear footsteps approaching. I decide to stop and turn around to see who it was. But then see that no one was behind me. I turn around to keep walking but jump in surprise to see Dazai in front of me.

"Jeez Dazai, you scared me." I hold my chest as a reaction.

"Sorry n/n but I was going to ask you if you wanted to go get drinks with me?" he says with a bit of a serious tone. I was about to say no but he stopped me. "It's an important day for me so please." I looked at him and he gave me those puppy dogs. There was no way I could say no to those eyes.

I nod my head in approval. When I tell you I could see his eyes pop out of excitement I am not lying. We turned around and started walking the opposite way.

~ At the Bar ~

When we got there we ordered a few drinks to brighten the mood. Yes, we were only 17 but we really didn't care if we were old enough to drink. We just did what we thought was fun. I sat there waiting for him to talk but he stayed quiet. I waited for like 5 minutes in silence. I thought that maybe he just wanted someone to drink with him.

"Y/n umm I wanted to tell you something tonight. I hope that even if this goes poorly we will stay friends. Ok?" I was getting nervous by the second. He didn't really call me by my name anymore. Both him and Chuuya called me by the nickname they gave me. I nodded to tell him to continue talking.

"Y/n I-i umm I LIKE YOU!" He shut his eyes close the moment those words came out. It took me a minute to process what he just said. I liked him yeah I'm sure I do. But something felt off.

"Umm Dazai? Can you give me time to answer? I-I like you too... I think. So please just give me time to think it over." I got up and smiled at him. "If that was all, can we umm go? Today was really tiring for me." He smiled back and nodded. I paid the bartender and took off. Dazai was walking besides me. Out of nowhere he grabbed my hand and continued walking.

I looked up at him since he was so much taller than me. So was Chuuya. They both were now taller and I had to look up to face them. I let him take my hand tonight for comfort. The night was cold but calm. It was dark but for some reason it was bright for me. I sighed at the calm atmosphere. I wanted to stay like this a bit longer.

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now