Chapter 12

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(Beacon Academy, Training hall)

Albert was watching Pyrrha beating the shit out of Cardin, he couldn't put his hand on it but he enjoyed it a little too much. "Now then who wants to spar next?" Glynda asked aloud. Albert wasn't paying all too much to it, when he suddenly heard his name. "Mr.Woods, you have been challenged." Glynda said. Albert looks down to see the grey haired kid from before. "It's probably to see how strong you are..we might try and pull something..just kick his teeth in before he gets a chance!" Nina said to her guardian. Albert nods at the plan. "I'm sorry Ms.Goodwitch but what is the name of my Opponent again?" Albert asked nonchalantly as to not draw attention. "His name is Mercury." Glynda said as the now identified Agent has a name. Albert nods and walks down to the arena. Albert glances over to see Ruby talking with the green haired agent. He then takes his focus back to Mercury who was standing looking at his nails. Albert sights and before Mercury knew it he had all the wind knocked out of him and half of his Aura gone. Mercury looks down at what hit him to see a glowing hammer, before he could say a word though Albert came and shoulder charged him causing his Aura to go into the reddish orange, basically almost entirely gone. "I'll unleash my talons upon you and your friends in the coming storm.." Albert whispers to him as he not only helps him up from his fetal position, but also gives the eye to the other agents. Mercury gives him an annoyed and fearful look.

As Mercury made his way back to red eyes, he made his way back to his seat to listen to Goodwitch talking about there being first missions. Albert didn't pay much mind as he was watching Mercury. "Nina, you got his info from that scroll of his?" Albert asked Nina as he began to walk out of the training hall. "Yeah I'm hacked in, put a little welcome gift if he even thinks about communicating with his friends." Nina said to Albert with a bit of evil. "And what would that be?" Albert asked his ghost curiously as he made his way to his dorm as he knew that he was being followed. "I made it so not only will we also get their messages when they are sent, I bugged it so that we can actively track them." Nina said with glee. As Albert turned instead of seeing who he was expecting to see he saw Team RWBY walking by, but it was Blake in front of everyone else, he didn't think about asking but went back to his work. As Albert enters his dorm, he gets a sudden message from Ozpin. Albert pulled the scroll out and read the message, -I got to talk to you when you get the chance-. Albert sighed as he knew this was probably not going to be good. (meanwhile..)

"So what information do we have.." Cinder asks her pawns curiously. Both looked down. "A...cinder there might be a slight problem.." Emerald said, rubbing the back of her neck. She sighed with great irritation, "And what might that be?" She asked, looking at Emerald and Mercury in irritation. "Well you see the Lightbearer and his Friend found me spying on them the other day..They know my face.." She said as she put her head down in shame, Cinder had irritation on her face, and then she looked at Mercury. " promise you won't get mad buuuuut.." Mercury started. "So they know my Name...and they definitely know about you.." He said, and this made Cinder furious. "I could just..." Cinder was furious as she began to pace around the room. "No...No..we can work with this.." Cinder said as she pinched her temple.

(timeskip to the next day)

Albert finds himself at the dance hall looking at the decorations. Albert sees Weiss holding up different table cloths, "Hey big guy, which one?" Weiss askes Albert as he looks at them. "Uh...the one on the left?" Albert said, confused. "Wow, you have decent taste." Nina said, impressed, as Weiss nodded in agreement. "I have no idea they both were white right?" Albert whispered to his ghost as he went back to reading some things on his scroll. He then notices both Sun and Blue boy walk in and start talking with the two. "We'll be turning our heads!" Yang said, "right Albert!" She added as Albert turned his head. "Uh...who said I was going to this?" He asked as all of them were looking at him. "Come on not you too!" Ruby said in dread. "Sorry but I got orders to fulfill...after I...figure out where I'm supposed to put this amp...." Albert said confused as he picked up the rather large amp, that was probably the size of Yang with one hand and threw it over his shoulder as he looked around. " are you so strong?" Sun asked as he looked at the titans arms. "uhh...I got this mixtape I listen to..." Albert said calmly as he looked towards yang. "Blondey I can hold his thing all day but I'd rather not...where you want this?" Albert asked Yang. "Oh just over there should do." She said pointing. "On it." He replied as he walked over and placed it down. As Albert sighed as he whipped the sweat off of his forehead, "Hey Yang I'm going to head out you need anything else from me?" Albert asked as he turned his head to look at her. "Actually yes...I do meet me in the library a bit" She said with a smile. "um..Alright" Albert said as he waved as he walked out.

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