Chapter 9

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(Vale, Tuskon's Bookstore)

A girl with green hair and red eyes enters Tuskon's Bookstore with a young lad in an almost all grey outfit. "Be right there! Welcome to Tuskon's Book Trade, Home to every book under the sun...*tuskon looked uneasy as he recognized the two.* M-May I help you?" He asked as he looked at the two. The Boy in grey was looking around the books, "Just browsing." He stated calmly. "Actually do you have "the thief and the butcher?" the green haired girl asked. "Yes we do.." Tuskon replied uneasy as he watched the two closely. Little did the girl in green and the boy in grey know there was someone listening on them. "Great!" the girl in green said, "um..would you like a copy?" Tuskon asked the girl. "No..Just wondering. Oh! Do you have Violets Garden? In paperback?" She asked him "He's got it. Hardback too" the grey haired kid said. This went on for a little bit and the person listening in didn't mind it wasn't until he heard something that caught his attention.

"You shouldn't keep a promise you can't keep, Tuskon. I hear that you're planning on leaving. Moving all the way to Vacuo..Your brothers in the White Fang won't be happy to hear that..and neither are we.. you know who we are, don't you?" She asked him. "Yes." Tuskon said calmly. "And you know why we are here?" She added. "Yes" Tuskon replied to her. "So...are you going to fight back?" She asked him. Tuskon summoned some claws and got ready to fight. "YES" He yelled as he attacked. When it was all said and done with The girl in Green and Boy in grey leaving the store, Albert poked his head up from one of the book piles and looked out the door to see the two walking away. He then looked at the mangled body of the previous owner. Nina popped out over Albert's shoulder. "So...are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Albert asked. "Yeah...she wasn't too happy that he didn't have that book.." Nina stated in a dark sense of humor to try and lighten up what just happened. "Okay...yeah that and I think those two are working as Agents of Salem..Put them on my watch list...If they end up at beacon academy that could be an issue..." Albert said as he grabbed a few of the books and placed them into his backpack. "Already did it." Nina stated, "now what about Tuskon?" she added. "Ugh...where's that scroll?" Albert muttered, He was wearing a pair of joggers, the Luxe Parka and Cuffs (yes they may be titan armor but in his case he was wearing them as street clothes), and had a pair of boots to match. He pulled out the scroll. "I'll notify the Police.." Albert muttered as he walked up to Tuskon closing his lifeless eyes, he then turned and walked out of the store.


Albert transmatted into the front of Beacon academy and began to walk towards the canteen, to an extent he had lost his appetite after seeing what happened to Tuskon, but he wanted an energy drink. He entered and grabbed an energy drink, "Sweet sweet Caffeine.." Albert said quietly to himself. "ALBERT!" Ruby yelled as she waved him over. Albert looked over and walked over to team RWBY. "hey ruby what's up? And what's with the huge Binder?" Albert asked as he looked at them. "It's my plan to end this semester with a Bang!" Ruby said with a smile, "you mean end it with a Yang? Eh? Eh?" She said with a smile only for Albert to grab the apple that was coming her way. "Thanks," Yang said with a victorious smile with an annoyed look from Nora. "Well anyways I gotta get going I'll catch you guys later." Albert said with a smile as he placed the apple in his pocket and readjusted his slick back mohawk. He walks out of the Canteen for a second and he then hears a great calamity from within.

Albert casually turned to look at the windows covered in what he could only hope was food. "Umm...looks tasty?" Nina said in a concerned tone. "yeah..I'm not going to be a part of that.." Albert muttered as he turned and walked to his Dorm, noticing Ozpin and Goodwitch walking towards him. Albert only gave a smile and a nod, "Ah Albert good to see you, so have you any intel for me?" Ozpin asks as he stops and looks at Albert. "I do but it's very miniscule and I'm still building evidence," Albert said with a smile but then his face became stern. He grabbed Ozpin and pulled him in close. " A Giant Eagle Nests Towards Southern Oceans From Ships And Land Each March In Narrowly Veiled All Leads Eden.." Albert mutters as he then pulls away from Ozpin. "Well I have places to be you know to blend in with your people." Albert said with a smile as Ozpin understood what he meant and nodded with a smile. "Well you go on with your day Mr.Woods and enjoy yourself.." He said with a smile. Albert nodded and walked away.

A Titan in the Rose Field (A Destiny-Rwby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now