Chapter 17

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(Vale, Downtown)

Albert and Team RWBY readies themselves as they are surrounded by a hoard of Grimm. Then they began to engage the enemy, Albert shot down a pack of Beowolves until he was knocked back by a powerful hit, and he looked at 2 overload Boarbatusk and a Barrier Beowolf. He sighs as he quickly swaps from Bad Juju to False Promises, he then pulls a grenade and that stuns all 3 but he had to deal with both boarbatusks as he disliked overloads as he found them irritating. He quickly pulls out falling guillotine and cuts both down and then the Beowolf activates its shields and it's almost like it smiled at the lightbearer. Albert just growled as he pumped it full of bullets breaking its shield.

He turned and looked at the damage and the sirens roaring in his ear. Albert's breath was heavy; he knew he was close to death in this situation. "Just give me a second I'm trying to heal you." Nina stated calmly, she's seen her guardian in worser states. "Yeah...I just need a break.." Albert muttered as he smashed the head of a Creep into the ground. He turned to see a King Taijitu ready to attack with Ruby not too far away. "Crap she's too far away-" "NORA SMASH!" Albert watched as the pink missile flew in and killed the giant snake instantly. "well...I guess that solves that problem," Albert said calmly as he loaded his False Promises. He then noticed the Atlas Fleet and a team of badasses jump into help.

"Look, even the Agents of Salem are helping" Nina stated as Albert looks over to see Emerald and Mercury fighting along with everyone else. "It's only to blend you think it would look intentional if I 'accidently shot' them?" Albert asked curiously as he shot a few more beowolves and creeps. Then he noticed the grimm get cut down imetadly by a girl with a minigun. "Damn....she must be...." Albert started, "she looks like she could be a titan from Six thinking first pillar? Pilgrim Guard?" Nina added, "she is definitely stoneborn.." Albert states calmly. He then looks to see Glynda come into the fray and start to clean up the remnants of the mess that was the downtown. He noticed Mercury and Emerald help move Roman into an Atlesian ship. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking..." Nina asked her guardian. "Yeah.....those three are definitely in kahoots..." Albert muttered as he watched everyone moving back to go to Beacon.

Albert sighed. "We should head back.." Albert muttered as he stretched, as Nina popped out. "I know that there's a hot spring not too far away." Nina stated with glee. Before Albert could get a word he felt a presence of 8 behind him. He then felt an arm wrap around him. " spring huh....I wouldn't mind that.." Yang would cat call. Albert sighed, "No I'm not doing that I'm probably just going to hop into my ship and relax in orbit for a bit." Albert said with Team's RWBY and JNPR both looking sad before all their eyes glow suddenly. "ORBIT" All said in unison, scaring both Albert and Nina. "Uh yeah orbit...why? What's so special with orbit?" Albert asked, scared and curiously. "No one has ever been out of the atmosphere because dust becomes useless outside of the atmosphere." Weiss explained to him. "Oh...well I mean I could probably only bring one other person with me and plus I was kind of going to do important work.." Albert said rubbing the back of his neck calmly. All of them looked at him as his ship flew in above him. "And...there's my I'm going now" Albert said slowly backing up. He then transmatted into his ship though it felt like someone came with him, he looked around the interior of his ship and didn't see anything out of place. Albert shrugged as Nina popped out. Albert scooted his way into the pilot's seat and he flew into orbit. And he set his ship up just to follow Remnants Natural orbit. He turned on a few of the devices around. "Alright...Nina, you set up all those bugs I needed you to do?" Albert asked curiously.

"Yeah I got it...who do you need to listen into right now?" Nina asked. "Well it looks like Ozpin and the 'Vale Council' are meeting at the moment." Nina added as she spun around turning around looking in the back of the ship towards the cargo bay. She could swear that silver eyes, but she put it out of her mind and turned back to Albert. "What about those spy drones I had you do." Albert asked. "I put them out, you're lucky we had some cabal tech to kitbash to make those." Nina added. "I was lucky that Drifter taught me how to kitbash." Albert said as he was pushing on a few buttons. "Alright let's hear in on those agents.." Albert muttered, just as he was about to click on the button he heard something in the cargo bay clank. He immediately turned his head and saw nothing at first. He got up and walked over only to see a rose petal. "A rose petal?....rose...." Albert looked around and then he looked to see a duffle bag had been messed with. He opened it only to see nothing, and then suddenly he looked back at his pilot seat to see none other than Ruby Rose sitting admiring the view. Albert sighed and cleared his throat. Ruby looked back at him and gave him an awkward chuckle. "Ruby what are you doing here? And...." Albert stopped and realized that she was listening in on him.

"And How much did you hear?" Albert asked calmly. "Uhh...well not much other than you have an expensive network...and um who are the agents?" Ruby said calmly yet a little scared. "It's nothing important to you at this moment, that would be spoilers." Albert stated calmly as he walked up behind her. "Take this in.this is probably going to be the only time I let anyone from your planet on this ship..and...Ruby congratulations." Albert said calmly looking at her with Ruby being confused. "Congratulations? For what?" She replied to the Guardian. "For being the first ever person on Remnant to ever go to space." Albert said as he looked back into the dark void of space. "I remember my first time looking into the void from's so an ocean that seems to never end. Each planet is an island in the vast emptiness of space.." Albert said calmly as Ruby was taking it all in. "Well...anyways I should get you back to your team.." Albert stated as he clicked on a button to find that the rest of Team RWBY were on the roof looking up towards the sky, he then clicked on a few buttons. "Alright Ruby do you trust me?" Albert asked as he pulled out a little circular device. "Uh...yeah" Ruby replied calmly with Albert simply handing her the small electronic. "Just keep still and... Please keep your hands, arms, legs, and feet in the vehicle at all times.." Albert said smiling impersonating someone that worked at one of those pre-golden aged amusement parks as they were called.

Ruby looked confused as she was suddenly teleported away. Albert looked back at the monitor to see the rest of Team RWBY and Ruby herself scared and shocked at where she came from. "Well at least we know the hand held transmat works." Albert states calmly. Nina simply turns back and looks at the moon. "Hey Nina, did the spy drone capture anything from those Agents?" Albert asked. "Oh let's see." Nina stated as she spun. "Playing message now." Nina added.

The two would look at the monitor as Mercury, Emerald, and Cinder were all gathered on a rooftop. "All in All today was a success.." Cinder stated calmly, "Those stupid kids really made a mess of things.." Emerald commented, "We lost a lot of faunus down in the tunnels. Do you think the white fang will listen to us?" Mercury asked curiously. "Not to you.." A new figure entered the fray, he was dressed in a black jump suit of sorts and he wore a face mask. "But they will listen to me," he said coldly. Albert stopped completely. "Nina get me all the notes and records of this new player." Albert stated as he looked as suddenly his monitors images started to come up with news stories and other similar things. Headlines like "White Fang strikes again." "New leader of the White Fang?" as well as a name.....Adam Taurus. Albert rubbed his chin. "I have a bad feeling about this....It feels like we are playing into Savathûn's hands..." Albert mutters as he sits back as he looks down at the sleeping world below him.

(Hey guy's, sorry for the delay on this one the past month was crazy and I only decided to write the rest of this today so my apologies for that. Though I hope you enjoyed and to those who celebrate Easter, Happy Easter. And other wise happy spring. Later - Kazumi) 

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