Chapter 11

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(Port's Class, Beacon)
(Third person)

Albert was sitting at his desk patiently for the class to end. Port was in the middle of telling one of his bombastic stories. Albert turned his attention to Jaune desperately trying to ask Weiss out, as she just stared patiently at her clock, and as soon as the bell rang everyone walked out. Albert patted Jaune on the back, "hey mate, Plenty of fish in the sea.." Albert said as he continued on. He was walking down to his dorm before he stopped to see Gevatter leaning in and listening in to a dorm. Albert walked up to him. "What's going on?" Albert whispered to the Warlock. He simply raised his finger to signaled to Albert to be quiet, and Albert gave him a nod and placed his ear up to the door as well. "Today the investigation begins!" ruby stated. "I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously." Weiss said in her normal Weiss way. "Hey we've got a plan! That's moderately serious." Yang said. Albert and Gevatter kept listening as to know what they were doing. "Are they serious?" Albert whispered to Gevatter. "This could be bad..they could figure out that the agent's are going after Ahamkara bones.." Gevatter said casually. "WHAT!" Albert quietly screamed. Gevatter put his figure back to his face region. "yes..I was digging through some information and it turns out there are bones of an Ahamkara in this world...more specifically....Riven's bones.." Gevatter replied to his comrade. "How do you know it's Ahamkara bones?" Albert asked, looking around. "You see...I got a back door into one of the top secret conversations between the headmasters of all academies, including Ozpin and Ironwood. They have bones that whisper here and in-" Before Gevatter finished his sentence he and Albert fell right into team RWBY's room with an unamused Blake looking at the two.

" Blake...uh...We can explain?" Albert says calmly as he looks at team RWBY and that Monkey kid from the day at the docks. "So why is it that you two are listening in on our conversation and who even are you?!" Weiss said in anger as she looked at Albert and Gevatter. "Oh...I'm Gevatter Tod, A friend of Albert's." He said calmly. Ruby's eyes begin to gleam, "DOESTHATMEANYOUAREFROMTHEOTHERWORLD!?WHATAREYOURWEAPONS?HOWCOMEYOURARMORLOOKSDIFFEREN'TFROMALBERTS?ANDHOWCOMEICANPHASERIGHTTHROUGHYOU" ruby says in one of her spasms as she runs circles in and around Gevatter. Everyone was looking at Gevatter in shock as Ruby was just walking through him. "Well you Red riding hood. Unlike Albert here who was dragged into your universe by a being of pure light, I had found the remnants of the portal, it was too small so I sent some things to him to make sure he was alive, and then I sent a Void light copy of myself to him." Gevatter explained. "Void Light Copy?" Yang asked, curious. "Oh right you must not be super familiar with the light...umm in the easiest way to explain it is Space magic. And it's broken up into 3 groups, Arc, Solar, and Void. And if you can get a strong enough grip on the light then you can make it bend to your will, as you can see...I can make multiple copies of myself with the use of my light." Gevatter said, as his copy then split into another copy. "As you can see..I can make near infinite copies but I have limitations since I can only spread so much butter on a piece of toast." His two copies said in harmony before combining back into to. All of team RWBY and the two add ons looked at him and nodded.

"So anyways we are going to do our investigation if you don't mind.." Ruby said as the assigned teams then went on their way. "Oh yeah, and um don't forget to lock the doors when you two leave." Yang said with a smile as they left the two lightbearers dumbfounded. Albert cleared his throat. "So....Ozpin's inner circle has Ahamkara bones hidden away?" Albert asked again. Gevatter nodded. "Yes, but they are only here at Beacon and Atlas." Gevatter said to his comrade as they exited the dorm room, closing the door. They continue to look around, "I wonder why they want to make sure that we didn't know about the bones.." Albert mutters as they begin to walk to do some investigating of their own. "I have an idea of why.." Gevatter said as they exit the dorms and look out at the Vale Skyline. "It's because they know if we found out about there being wish dragon bones we would do anything to find them, get them and destroy them" Gevatter says calmly as he turns to see a pair of red eyes staring at him, Gevatter taps Albert on his shoulder and motions his head to say, "Look behind you". Albert turns his head to see those all to familiar red eyes, only to see them look in fear and run off. "Well...looks like we might have ourselves a snitch." Gevatter says calmly as he vanishes. *Comms*: come to my location I have them cornered. Albert heard this and ran to find his friend. (Flash over to Emerald running trying to make an escape.) "SHIT I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY SAW ME! CINDER'S GOING TO BE SO MAD" Emerald thought to herself as she ran through the small allies and gaps between the buildings in the beacon. She was almost to home base when she was suddenly tripped.

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