Chapter 15

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(Mount Glenn, Vale Outskirts)

As Ruby watches out at the night with a tired yawn as Blake, Yang, and Weiss proceed to conversate, Albert sat as he held Bad JuJu tightly, trembling almost while humming a song. (play the song above) "It's a job. We all had this romanticized visions of being Huntresses in our head! But at the end of the day, it's a job to protect people! Whatever we want comes second." Weiss states as unbeknownst to them Oobleck who was apparently asleep lets out a smile. It became dead quiet with only the sound of Albert's humming filling the dead air. "That song..." Blake states calmly as the 3 look over to Albert who was still sitting there still humming. "What sorrows is he recalling?" Yang asks as she re-positioned herself to be able to look at Albert more clearly. "Well from what he's said...what sorrows hasn't he been must come from living as long as he has.." Weiss said calmly. Albert looked up towards the moon, and the 3 listened in on him, they realized he was singing to a beat up old teddy bear. Yang realizes in an instant, he was holding the Teddy bear as you would a small child. He looked back down and chuckled, "come on Alice...I've told you that story about a thousand times already.." he muttered as he cradled the teddy in his arms gently.

"Alright fine...I'll tell you it again and then you have to promise'll go to sleep.." Albert said as he looked down at the small bear. "Now this is a law of the jungle.." Albert began as he continued on how the Poem went, When Nina popped out in front of the 3 girls. "Hey, what's with him?" Weiss asked curiously, Nina looked over and sighed, "he's asleep" Nina said calmly, "how is he asleep? He seems to be wide awake." Blake replied to the ghost. "Well he isn't in his normal fighting self, call it a type of trance." Nina stated as she spun, "Who's Alice?" Yang asked as Weiss, Blake and Nina all turn and look at her. "What do you mean?" Weiss was confused about the situation as Nina simply continued to look at Yang, "The way he holds that stuffed animal is the way you cradle a small child..." She said calmly as she looked at Nina. "it was back in the dark days, known simply as the dark age.." Nina said calmly, "We were hiding out in old Europe, we knew one of the ruling warlords who ruled a lonely mountain, he was a sunbreaker, so he welcomed us to stay in the village he looked after the folks in it" Nina explained as we cut into a flashback in the eyes of Albert.*flashback* Albert was taking watch helping people out when a little girl was seen crying at a street corner, Albert walks over to her and kneels down. He had his helmet off but his armor on, He looked down and smiled at her. "Are you lost?" Albert asked as he looked at the little girl who just nodded as she wiped away some of her tears. "Don't cry...Here I'll help you" Albert said with a big smile as he placed her onto his shoulder. "You should be able to see your family from up here" He added. The little girl looked at him as she then looked around with the biggest smile on her face like she was on top of the world. "Do you have a name?" Albert asked as they walked around the village, She looked down at him and whispered something. "Huh?" He asked, "Alice." She said. "Nice to meet you Alice, I'm Albert" He said as they continued as he saw a woman in distress, he walked over to her and asked, it turned out she was the little girls' mother, she thanked him rigerlissly, and from then on there Albert helped take care of Alice and her mother. "Well I mean that doesn't sound that bad" Weiss interrupts. "Well...that's just how we met Alice" Nina states, "It wasn't the part that scarred him." Nina adds calmly and grimly. "It all changed when a pair of warlords who allied with a powerful warlord from the East, Citan, and several Iron Lords including the infamous Lord Felwinter and Lady Perun showed up to try and get the Lord of the mountains attention" Nina explained*back to the flashback* "We just ask to meet with Warlord Theorin" Lady Perun asked, "And I'll repeat myself, he is already meeting with two others at the minute so you'll have to giv-" Albert was about to finish his sentence when they heard an explosion and saw two bodies fly down the mountain. Felwinter and Perun looked at the two, "Those are two of Citan's goons" Felwinter muttered to Perun. She only nodded and looked back at Albert, "AND STAY OFF MY MOUNTAIN." they all heard from atop the mountain. "I guess we can go now?" Felwinter asked cheekily. "Go on up if you want, I doubt he'll listen to anything you'll say if he tossed other warlords off his mountain." Albert said as he turned and walked back into the village. After a few hours, Theorin walked down the mountain himself to Albert. "My sunbreaker brother...I must ask of you a mighty favor.." Theorin asked Albert as he put his hand on his shoulder. "What is it?" Albert asked in concern as Theorin wasn't this serious since he left the Sunbreakers to live his days as a warlord. "The Wolves and Warlords will soon be here to fight for control of my mountain..I want you to keep our people as safe as possible.." Theorin explains. Albert nods in agreement. After that it was a bloody battle, 4 warlords against 5 iron lords, along with 2 sunbreakers, Theorin took the final deaths of 2 of the warlords and 3 of the Iron lords, the village burned and Albert was left there holding Alice his arms cradling her as she took her last breath, She simply said two word, Big Brother? "Wait how come she calls him big brother?" Blake asked curiously, "She always saw him as a big brother since we found her on that street corner, and that's how Albert treated her." Nina states calmly.

Nina turns to see Albert gone. "Oh he left, I'll go find him don't worry about it" Nina said with a spin as she vanished. Albert was stalking something. "What are you hunting?" Nina asked Albert, "I'm trying to find Ruby," Albert said calmly. "Why?" Nina asked in curiosity. "Because there are white fang everywhere, and I'm like 98% solid that she fell down that hole." Albert states, "What hole- OH MY GOD'' Nina states as Albert turns his head to look at the giant sinkhole. "Yeah..." Albert said calmly. "Why do you think she fell down." Nina asked. "Well I noticed ruby was gone so I went looking for her" Albert started. "Okay," Nina said calmly, "I heard some loudish noises  over here and saw this big hole and boom Zwei appeared." Albert said. "Zwei where did he come from?" Nina asked as she noticed Zwei at Albert's feet. "From the hole" Albert said bluntly. "Right...the hole" Nina said. "Are we going to save her?" Nina asked. "Yeah probably." Albert said looking at the hole. "Wait Albert..where is your sword?" Nina asked. "Oh I left it back at camp." Albert said. "Really?" Nina added. "Yeah it fell into the hole.." Albert said defeated. "Alright big guy let's go save ruby" Nina said in a scold to Albert. "Alright alright" Albert grabs Zwei and hops down into the hole.

-To be continued. 

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