Chapter 6

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Forever Fall

(third person)

Albert was looking around the mysterious forest, it was all beautiful shades of red. "Reminds me of Nessus" Albert said to Nina, "yeah, except there aren't any time traveling murder robots" Nina stated bluntly, "at least I hope.." Nina added with a bit of uncertainty. Albert sighed as he adjusted his armor, he was in his sunbreaker armor. He ready his gnawing hunger, "Yes, students, the forever fall forest is beautiful. But we are not here for sightseeing, Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so" Goodwitch states calmly. "Did she literally admit someone might die?" Albert asked Nina, "I bet Jaune will be first" Nina stated, "okay 1. By the traveler he's just a dork don't jinx it, and 2. How much glimmer are you betting?" Albert added. "20,000 glimmer from Shiro-4's glimmer account if Jaune dies" Nina boasts. "Alright I'll take that bet, and if I lose I'll listen to you for an entire month" Albert added. "May the best human or ghost win" Nina states. As Albert watched as everyone was heading out to gather samples of the sap he saw Cardin drag Jaune away. Albert was about to head out himself not really knowing what to do until he was stopped by Goodwitch. "Mr.Woods Ozpin has given me direct orders from him on your mission today" Glynda said to him. "Alright, what is this mission?" Albert asked. "There seem to be 3 new variants of known grimm, but one moves so fast and regenerates its health at extreme speeds, another with seemingly unlimited health and even heavy explosives couldn't slow it down, and finally one that can summon an unbreakable shield..He says there has been one spotted in the woods here, he wants you to identify it and eliminate it as he assumes it's something from...well you know" Glynda said. Albert nodded and gave a thumbs up. "I'll take care of it" Albert stated with a nod as he readied his rifle and ran out into the woods.

Meanwhile.. "Cardin..What's going on?" Jaune asked in fear. "Payback.." Cardin states ever so calmly as they continue. Jaune looked up at cardin in surprise, "Pyrrha...What are you going to-" cardin interrupts Jaune "alright that's the girl..she thinks she so high and mighty, if only that giant in the armor was around it would be even better," Cardin pulls out a box that had many buzzes going through it. "Last night, old Jaune here managed to round up some rapier wasps, and we are gonna put them to work." Cardin stated as Russel held Jaune by the shoulders. "Now, according to the essay you wrote for me last week, these nasty things love sweets, and I'm thinking we teach her a thing or two." Cardin states as he looks towards Jaune. "And you're going to do it." Cardin added with a sinister grin. "Do-do What?" Juane asked, "throw the sap at her!" Cardin explained in irritation as he handed Jaune the Jar of sap. Jaune looked at it and then at team CRDL. "No." Jaune stated bluntly. "What? What did you say." Cardin asked with anger. "I said...NO" Jaune stated as he turned around and tossed the Jar at Cardin. "Oh you've done it now.." Cardin states as him and his lackeys surround Juane.

Back with our guardian...

Albert was looking at the footprints of a rather large grimm. "You think that's it?" Nina asked as she was floating above the tracks. "yeah...I'm thinking it's an unstoppable champion just look at the depth of these tracks this isn't any what's it called again it's the bear things." Albert asked Nina as she disappeared into his backpack. "I believe they are called Ursa." Nina chirped to her guardian "Picking up a signal we are hot on its tail" Nina added. Albert readied his throwing hammer as he could stun the Champion, he also readied his Thunderlord as he knew Unstoppables could take a beating. As they continued they were on a rig and looked out upon most of the students that were attending, Albert then noticed the trees starting to move towards Team Idiot and Juane. "Shit!" Albert stated as he looked around. "Any ideas on how we can get down there fast?" Albert asked as he was looking around. "um...Jump?" Nina said with uncertainty. "Ugh when in doubt just use your head.." Albert muttered as he took a couple steps back and ran off the rig and into the forest.

Back with Jauney boy

As Jaune watches as Cardin's lackeys run off, it was only Jaune and Cardin looking at this Ursa, but it was different from any grimm they had seen. Not only did it have some sort of red and black tendrils on it's back. As Pyrrah, Weiss and Ruby all come in they get ready to help not before Jaune tries to have his hero moment. After a second all 5 of them starred in fear as all of Jaunes attacks didn't even phase the Ursa. It raised it's paw about to slash Jaune before all of them heard heavy footsteps moving fast towards them. And in a fit where it seemed like the world slowed down, Pyrrah starts to move towards Jaune as she watches as Albert himself tackles Jaune out of the way. "YOU ALL HAVE TO RUN NOW!" Albert states in anger as he raises Thunderlord and fires it at the Unstoppable Champion. "Wait what about you" Weiss asked as she readied her weapon. "JUST GO! NONE OF YOUR WEAPONS WILL WORK ON THIS THING! JUST RUN NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE!" Albert yelled as he continued to distract the beast. Jaune got up and was ready to attack the Ursa with Albert.

The Ursa seeing this knocks the guardian into a nearby tree. "OOF" Albert mutters as he hears a few cracks and crunches in places he'd rather not hear. As he was struggling to get up he looks up to see jaunce get sliced down going down unconscious, Albert pulled out his throwing hammer and tossed it at the Ursa stunning it as he then pulls out his Burning Maul and slams it into the Ursa taking down most of its health. After his flame died out, he was left there weaponless as he had dropped thunderlord back at the tree where he was earlier, he cracked his knuckles as he and this Ursa seemed to be out of breath. "Alright..let's see what you got." Albert stated as the beast charged him, he grabbed it by the leg and tossed it over his shoulder. He then pulled out his hammer and smashed it's head in. The Ursa champion started to turn to dust. "And another one bites the dust.." Albert states as he slowly moves back to his Thunderlord over hearing Jaune and Cardin talk, "Holy crap took on that giant Ursa" cardin stated in shock. "Don't you ever...mess with me..or my friends ever again" Juane states in anger as Cardin shrinks down in agreeance. Albert simply sighs and looks around. "Nina...I need your help little buddy" Albert states as he opens his palm. Ruby,Weiss and Pyrrah all begin to walk away, but Ruby and Weiss watch as Albert somehow is engulfed in a bright light that isn't Aura and seemingly was healed like that. Their suspension arose when they noticed something weird as what could have been a little drown just vanished out of thin air. "I think we need to ask Blake what she and Albert discussed.." Weiss said. "Yeah..I agree," Ruby added. Albert slung his Thunderlord over his back and made his way to Jaune. "Juane are you alright? You took a hell of a hit" Albert stated as he placed his hand onto Jaunes shoulder. "Yeah I'm fine..thanks for saving my butt" Jaune said rubbing the back of his neck. " I said before Devotion leads to Bravery, Bravery leads to self sacrifice. Not many can take on an Unstop-I mean Ursa like that" Albert stated with a smile. Juane and Pyrrah looked at him with confusion and suspension but shook it off. "Well Nina it looks like you owe me 20,000 of Shiro-4's hard earned Glimmer" Albert said as he began to walk off. "Um...about that....I don't know how to break into his account" Nina said in disappointment and awkwardness. Albert just sighed. "Figures..anyways let's report what we know so far to Ozpin..He needs to know that the Witch queen has given Salem the ability to make her grimm Champions" Albert stated as he made his way back to beacon. 

(Thank's for reading Chapter 6 of "A Titan in the Rose Field", To note all mods used by my guardian in this current story are all mods from Season of Arrivals, Beyond light's Mods won't come until the next book, which yes I am Hoping to write a squeal to this. But enough on that, Until next time, Kazumi Out) 

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