Chapter 2

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Beacon Academy:

As the mysterious vehicle that Ozpin had informed both Albert and his Ghost was called a bullhead landed at this school Ozpin had been talking about on the ride from the forest, it reminded the titan of the Ishtar Academy. "It's so big! It reminds me of Ishtar" Nina said. Albert nodded at his ghost as he continued to look around the huge school, he felt like someone said something to him but he was two entranced in just the size of the place it felt like the first time he entered the old tower when he left the sunbreakers. Albert was brought back to reality when he was hit with a cane, "OW! Okay..what was that for?" Albert asked, rubbing the back of his head, even if he was wearing his helmet his head was a little shaky. "I said that you are arriving here after all the other students who have arrived just today, in fact I believe they should all be getting set up now in the ballroom, you see I just gave a speech before I came to get you" Ozpin said with a grin. The titan nodded and continued to study the lay of the land. "So you told me I needed..Civilian clothes?" Albert asked Ozpin with curiosity. "Well yes, here nothing is trying to kill you, trust me I've heard the stories about what you guardians face, as well as the fact you never feel comfortable when things are too quiet." Ozpin said as he continued forward. "A..yeah last couple of times relaxing didn't go too well, First Vex (a reference to some backstory which might be explored later), then taken, and then next thing I knew my home was burning down" Albert said in a somber tone. Ozpin chuckled, "No worries my friend, make yourself at ease here, and I really do recommend putting on civilian clothing, don't want to scare away any people." Ozpin added. I simply nodded. "Oh yeah guardian, I have a combat locker ready for you just follow me when you're ready".
The titan nodded in acknowledgment, "let just have a quick chat with my ghost" Albert asked, with Ozpin simply taking a sip from his mug. "Do you think when we check out this locker you think you can scan it to see if you can convert it and link it to my Vault back in the tower?" Albert asked his ghost. She gave him a reassuring blink. He nodded and ran up to Ozpin. "Show me to this locker room." Albert said with a smile under his helmet. After a bit of walking they made it to the locker room. "Now this is what we call a rocket locker, you can use it to send you things anywhere with the click of a button, and that button happens to be a scroll, a small mobile device." Ozpin said, handing Albert a small smart device looking thing. Albert took it and studied it and nodded. Albert opened the locker and looked at his ghost. "Alright let's see what I can do," Nina said with an optimistic voice as she scanned the locker. While she was doing this, Albert pulled out an engram and opened it, a black hoodie with a white Titan logo on the back, white t-shirt, a pair of grey joggers, and a pair of tennis shoes. He set it down on the bench behind him, and he took off his helmet and set it down on the bench next to it. He converted his armor into engrams, and put on his casual civilian clothing. "Alright it's all ready, I have limited access to it due to it being offline since the city thinks we're dead." Nina said looking at her guardian. "Thank's Nina, let's get ready to meet up with all these new classmates of mine." Albert said, with Nina giving him a happy nod as she went into his backpack.

As Albert exited the locker rooms a busty blonde holding a riding crop and a tablet was standing right there. She'd look at Albert and she'd nod. "Alright you must be Albert, come on I'll show you to the ballroom." She said. Albert nodded as he followed her. The two then entered the large room filled with children. "um...Nina, any ideas on fitting in? Do I look young enough? Oh god these kids are like in their early teens! I'm like 200 hundred years old?!" Albert was panicking in his head. "I..Um....Eyes up guardian?" Nina said not knowing what to do herself. All Albert had was a duffel bag of bathroom essentials. Albert set up my things in the corner as he didn't really want any contact with these kids just yet when all the sudden he got a tap on the shoulder. He was frozen in fear, "Well...might want to say something" Nina said, mocking the time they first entered the Reef. He turned around to see a young girl no older than 15 and another busty blond standing behind her giving a thumbs up at her. "I didn't see you on the bullhead and in the Auditorium. Oh, and I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose" She said with a smile. " I came in late...and uh the name's Albert, Albert Woods" He replied to the young girl known as Ruby. "oh that's my half-sister yang" She added. "Hey hot stuff" She said, giving Albert the eye looking him up and down. "WHAT! IS SHE TRYING TO BE A GUARDIAN THIEF!?" Nina yelled in Albert's head. As Albert was trying to ignore his ghost talking in opposition he almost made out a question Ruby asked him. "I'm sorry I spaced out for a second. What did you ask?" Albert replied to Ruby. "The Symbol on your hoodie, what is it." Ruby asked with the most innocent smile. "Okay Albert, your in a universe that has no clue about the city, the darkness, the they have never seen or heard of guardians ever don't say something stupid" Albert thought to himself. " Anime" Albert said in an unsure voice. "GOD DAMN IT" Albert died inside. "You said something stupid..." Nina said. "Oh what's the name of it?" Ruby asked, curious. "um....It slipped from my head..well it's nice meeting you Ms.Rose but I'm going to go to sleep,and I hope you have a good night" Albert said with a smile as he sat on his sleeping bag.

The two left as he then finally began to relax and read a book that explained the history of remnant. He then heard a huge commotion coming from the other side of the room, it was some girl dressed in white was yelling at Ruby. He walked over to the two and was standing behind her. Ruby, Yang, mystery amber eyes all looked at Albert who had an irritated face as he was honestly getting ready to sleep. He tapped the girl in white's shoulder. She turned around. "And what do you want? Do you know who I am.." this girl slowly stopped as she looked up at Albert. "I don't know who you are but..Could you please be quiet I'm trying to sleep, and I'd assume many others are. I'd enjoy it if you would please stop yelling and consider everyone around you." Albert said, trying his best to keep a straight face to hide his irritation. She just nodded and took a step back as Albert then walked back to his sleeping bag and laid down. The next thing Albert woke up to was some girl yelling about how it's morning. He got up and made his way to the locker room and Cafeteria. After getting the first warm meal he has had in what probably was at least a year, he made his way to the locker room. "What subclass are you thinking of running?" Nina asked her guardian curiously. "I'm thinking sentinel," Albert said to his ghost. He then summoned his armor, He adjusted his jacket and then he looked at his Helmet, the Helm of Saint-14. He wiped off some smudge on it granted the helmet was pretty beat up anyways and he placed it over his head. He then summoned his weapon loadout for the day, False Promises, Jotunn, and falling guillotine. Albert like many overs then made his way out to the cliff sides where he saw the same busty blonde from the day previous and Ozpin waiting for all of them.

-To be continued.  

A Titan in the Rose Field (A Destiny-Rwby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now