Chapter 13

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(Beacon academy,outside the Ballroom)

Albert sighed as he adjusted his tie, "ahh you look adorable!" Nina said with glee. "geez..I don't think I've ever worn a suit in my life.." Albert muttered as he adjusted his light blue tie. "Not true..when I resurrected you before I made your armor you were in a suit!" Nina said in victory. Albert just sighed in defeat as he walked up to see Yang at a podium talking with her team. He watches as Blake, Weiss, Ruby, and company all enter and Yang just looks up with a gleeful smile. She waves at Albert who just sighed as he walked over. "See guys I told you I could get him to come" Yang said with victory in her voice as everyone turned to see Albert, he was wearing a grey blue shirt, dark grey vest, black suit coat, a nice pair of striped grey pants, and dress shoes.

"And not to mention he looks extra hot then usual." as Yang cat called at Albert who just adjusted his hair and sighed he then looked back at her in that pretty white dress. He just smiled, "I could say the same thing I guess" Albert said calmly. "You're lucky you got Gevatter on your side..I wouldn't have showed up otherwise" Albert muttered as he continued to walk ever so closer, when he then entered the Ballroom. He gets a cup of punch and takes a sip to turn around to both Yang and Blake. "I owe us a Dance if I remember correctly" Yang said with a greedy smile with Blake just nodding in agreement. Albert smiled and sighed in defeat. "Alright, I'll let you two have the first dance though." Albert said calmly as he watched the two walk of.  He watched Blake and Yang dance until he notices how Blake is then handed off to Sun, and Yang then walks back to him. "Well big guy, show me what you got" she said cockily. Albert just chuckled as the two walked onto the dance floor with him offering his hand. "How polite." Yang said with a smile. "I try," Albert said with a chuckle as the two danced.

"See you're not that bad!" Yang said with glee as the two continued to dance. As the two continued Albert couldn't help but just get a bad feeling. The two then go to the sidelines and part ways with Yang going to the others in RWBY and company to him just standing in the sidelines just looking out at the CCT tower, He looks to see a bunch of floating purple silhouettes. Gevatter no douptedably. *At the Top of the CCT tower.* It was quiet within the main room. Gevatter looked around at the front door and back. He placed his hand on his wrist. "#9 and #28 you see anything down below?" He asked. "Negative," #9 said calmly. "There is nothing on my end, seems like a peaceful night I don't know why Ozzy is so uneasy" #28 replied. Gevatter nodded at the 2 out of many clones of his, he then pushed it again. "Okay deathsingers what do you see?" Gevatter asked his copies that were floating around the perimeter of the CCT tower. "Nothing of importance as of yet." #17 said. Gevatter nodded at this. "Vielleicht wird es eine ruhige Nacht?" (maybe it will be a quiet night?) Schatten asked. "Let's hope.." Gevatter said as simply looked around. (back at albert)

Albert took another sip of punch and sighed. "I assume this must be not the normal for you," Ozpin said. " is..Never really attend a dance..well I never heard of something like this." Albert said calmly with Ozpin looking up at him. "Care to elaborate?" Ozpin asked the Titan curiously. "Well you see....Back at the tower we'd have celebrations but never dances....I mean when walking in the Last City sure I saw those 'dance club' Things, and at the schools there would be dances but us Guardians never participated we had to always be ready to defend the last city" Albert said calmly as he took another sip. "Well when you think about it, Dancing and Fighting aren't all too different." Ozpin replied, Albert looked at the Wizard. "Two partners interlocked with each other, though, a slip up on the dance floor could lead to a swollen foot" Ozpin said jokingly. Albert chuckled at this, "Or a sprained ankle." Albert added with a smile. "You should relax a's not always that friends gather up like this...These are the kinds of nights you never forget." Ozpin said as he calmly walked away. Albert smiled, it felt bitter sweet. He pulled out a picture of him and his fireteam who were all sitting/standing around the winnowers statue in the Black garden. Yang looked over at the titan who sat at a chair with a glum face, she walked over and tapped him on the shoulder, snapping him out of it. "Oh Yang, what's up?" Albert asked who had tears in his eyes. Yang looked in concern. "Albert....why are you crying?" she asked him worriedly. " I?" Albert asked as he wiped the tears away. "Sorry about that just thinking of some words Ozpin said.." Albert said as he readjusted the picture in his hand. Yang took notice of it and grabbed it, and looked at it. "Who are all these people? And where was this photo even taken?" Yang asked curiously as she sat next to the titan.

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