A Vision into the Future

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(Albert's Dorm Room)

(third person) It was a quiet night, we see Albert laying in bed spinning a bullet in his hands as he was just thinking to himself. And soon the weight on his eyes pulled as he was dragged into a deep sleep. Albert noticed and looked at the flashing visions, the cold moon of Europa, they Pyramids, Variks and the Exo Stranger, and this caught Albert off guard as he saw him and 2 others he recognizes as a Warlock and a Hunter with him trying to help Variks out of what looks like ice? He then got a flash of his ghost, Nina freezing and falling down, which gave him an unsettled feeling and then, he saw a mysterious fallen, a captain from the looks and she was wielding what looked like ice? And then the final flash is of himself, Albert was staring at himself as then the him in the dream would look at him and he'd see he was wielding the same power as the captain. In the end Albert woke up in a cold sweat. "Guardian? Are you okay?" Nina said asking her guardian in concern. "It's fine...I'm fine...um..." Albert was trying to find words. "It was just a bad dream.." Albert said. "A bad dream? More like a night terror, what was it about?" Nina asked curiously. "Uh...I think...I think it was a vision of a future soon to come.." 

(just a tidbit here as there will be another story after A titan in the Rose field that will take place after season three, so once this story ends we will move there but that won't be for a while.) 

A Titan in the Rose Field (A Destiny-Rwby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now