Chapter 5

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(Albert's Dorm)

Albert opened his door to let Blake in who admittedly started to walk around his room, it seemed normal enough, except for a few details. She noticed that his desk was more of a small workshop then a desk, he had a stand with a heavy looking set of armor (sunbreaker outfit) and he had a couple of interesting rifles mounted onto the wall. "What are these guns over here?" Blake asked in curiosity. Albert looked over at the 2 exotics and the shotgun, "the one rifle with the skull built into it is known as Bad Juju, the heavy machine gun is known as Thunderlord, and the shotgun is known as Felwinter's Lie" Albert stated as Blake picked up Felwinter's lie. "Why is it called Felwinter's Lie?" Blake asked curiously. "Hey I thought you wanted to learn more about me..and not Lord Felwinter" Albert stated calmly as he looked at Blake who then looked up at him with a pouty face. "ugh..Fine please explain to you are from another world." Blake asked. "Yep." Albert said bluntly. "What was the name of your world, what was it like, and how did you get to Remnant?" Blake interrogated. "The planet I was resurrected on and what I can assume was my home and what I consider home is known as Earth, It was very similar to your world, before the collapse which for the sake of shorten explaining was a Calamity felt throughout human space that surrounded Earth, Humanity on Earth was a might to be dealt with and a technology power, and if I told you I'd have to kill you" Albert replied.

Somewhat satisfied with the answer Blake was thinking of another question. "Okay you said resurrected, when did you die, where did you get resurrected, and how did you come back?" Blake asked. "I'm not sure how I guardians when we are brought back for our second chance to walk the earth we have no memory of who we were. Um..let me just check something first before I answer the next questions" Albert said as he got up. Blake watched as he would walk over to his window locking it and closing the shades, then moving to the vents he closed each one, he then checked if anyone was outside his door and then he finally sat back down. "Worry much?" Blake joked trying to ease the tension in the room. "Yeah..when you come to a new world to fight an old enemy that is a master of trickery..." Albert stopped and looked at Blake. "You would happen to be an agent would you?" Albert asked, "I wouldn't be surprised" he added.

"An agent? And agent of who?" Blake asked curiously only to see Albert look over his shoulder. "Okay're clean, I'll let you meet my partner. Nina show you self" Albert said as his ghost popped with Blake's surprise. "Hi, I'm a Ghost, and my name is Nina" she chirped. Blake just stared at it surprised at Nina with a nonstop gazed. "So this is my ghost, Nina, can you use your abilities to show Blake what London looked like?" Albert asked his ghost as she gave a little spin showing a hologram of what old London looked like, Burned ruins with House of Devil Banners spread across buildings.

"This is the place of my rebirth, the city of Old London, I remember it like yesterday.." Albert states as he looked at Nina who only gave him a little spin. -(note this is going in and out of a flashback)- Nina began playing the exact video feed from both her and Albert had of that day. The video feed started from Nina's perspective as she was scanning around the empty streets. "Hmm..has to be around here somewhere.." Nina stated quietly, until she heard a bone chilling howl from the background. She turned to see nothing yet, but then she noticed something by an old broken car and started to float above it. "Could it be?" she asked aloud. Suddenly the POV changed from Nina to someone else, and all was seen was a flash of light, and the POV slowly got up and moved his joints and bones that had been asleep for so long. He looks up at the floating ball of light in front of him. "It worked!" the ball of light said. "You don't know how lucky you are that I found you!" she added. "Who are am I?" The mysterious person asked. "I'm a ghost,well actually I'm your ghost, and as for you, you are my Lightbearer." she chirped as she spun around. Before the mysterious person could ask they both heard a bone chilling scream coming from behind them, "Fallen! We aren't safe here, you need to get your little butt up from off the ground, get a weapon, and find a way out of here!" She yelled, the figure got up and started running down the street, it wasn't until he was shot in the back he groaned a little as he turned back to see what these fallen things were. He got irritated that he started to feel the warmth in his hand as he summoned a flaming hammer and tossed it at the small group of these fallen causing them to erupt into flames. "That's an impressive power you have there." A female voice said. The view turns to see a slender figured warrior who bore a symbol on her mark that had a two headed eagle holding the same hammers that the mysterious person just threw at the fallen. "If you choose to come with me young light, I could teach you how to hone those powers" she added as she walked up to him. "Who are you?" The mysterious figure asked. "They call me Ma'at-4, the Howl and Fury. I am a part of the Sunbreaker Order, and I want you to join us young light" She stated in a booming voice. The view looked at his ghost, "I think it would be best to join up, you know stronger in numbers" She stated. The figure cleared his throat, "Yes I accept your offer and I will join this Sunbreaker order" He said. "Perfect...Albert, Let's go." Ma'at-4 stated as she tossed him a rifle. "Albert?" He asked. "Yeah that's your new name, now come on we have to get you to the Forge to become a true member" She stated as he followed. Nina ended the video recording. "I hope this gave you some answers Blake, but please for the sake of everything, please don't tell anyone of this...I can't afford that right now." Albert said to Blake who was looking at him in shock and only nodded. As the two got ready to leave the room, Blake took a look at his closet to only hear whispers, Albert looked over to his closet remembering the box, "Like I said Blake, it was nice talking but I'd like to get some sleep and you should too." Albert said with a smile trying to push Blake out of his room at this point.  

As soon as Albert closed the door he took a breath in. "that was an eventful night." Nina stated bluntly. "you could say that again.." Albert said as he looked down. "thinking of the Sunbreakers." Nina asked her Guardian. " think Ma'at survived the Legion?" Albert asked with a hopeful voice. "you and I both know that the reports said that not a single Sunbreaker made it out of the forge alive, you heard the message from Ouros." Nina said grimly. "yeah...your right...ugh I just can't over it I guess" Albert muttered. "yeah...I still miss all of them as well" Nina added. "Just get some sleep we have to be at our best to hunt down the agents of Savathûn!" Nina stated with a spin. "yeah..yeah your right..well I'm off to bed" Albert stated with a smile as he got into his bed and tried to fall asleep. 

To Be Continued 

(This is Chapter 5 of Titan in the Rose Field completed, as always I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading! Kazumi out.) 

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