Chapter 20

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(Vale, Beacon Academy.)

Albert makes his way back to his dorm as he needs to get some equipment to do more research on the agents. As Albert reaches for his door knob, he notices it was unlocked. He didn't remember leaving his dorm unlocked, Albert slowly pulls in his backpack for something simple he ends up pulling out Devil's Ruin, he had forgotten he even had this. He opened the door and investigated the place, it was torn up. "Shit...." He whispered fearing the worst case scenario. He looked around, keeping the pistol in deep grip. Looking all over the room trying to see what the perpetrator was looking for. He looked over to see the closet light was on from under the door, he walked over and opened it aiming his pistol into the bathroom which was empty.

Lowering Devil's Ruin he had some sense of ease when suddenly. "Albert where did you put my deathbringer by chance?" Gevatter asked. "Oh I have it on my per-BY THE TRAVEL'S LIGHT WHEN DID YOU GET HERE" Albert stated in shock. "Oh no more than an hour ago. Did you see the fighting festival? Quite fun, I saw the two agents fighting against a very fashionable woman and a man who could be mistaken for a titan." Gevatter stated as he walked over to the bed and sat down. "Wait, you witnessed them fight?" Albert asked as he pulled out a deathbringer handing it to his friend. "Yes. They would be only slightly hard to fight with red eye's ability to create illusions. And judging by Nina's latest communication you have yourself a hive fortress made of trickery." Gevatter states as he grabs Deathbringer and holsters it next to the other weapon. "What is that?" Albert states as he could feel the darkness from it, it made the room a bit colder. "A gift from the darkness." Gevatter stated bluntly. "Oh...wait did you say a gift from the darkness?" Albert asked in concern. "Yeah of course." Gevatter started pulling it out. "It's called ruinous effigy." Gevatter explained. "How have you not been eliminated by the praxic order yet.." Albert mutters as he admires the weapon. "So let me guess it shoots out pure darkness?" Albert asked in curiosity. "Quite precisely my big friend, but it has a little fun ability, it creates a ball of pure void energy. You can hit it against things, make a sphere that slowly damages enemies and you, and you can dunk it." Gevatter states. "It sounds like someone took touch of malice and mixed it with a grenade launcher." Albert mutters.
"You're not too far off, it was based around some parts of touch of malice. At least that's what Eris has stated" Gevatter explained. "Now give me the location of this hive fortress." Gevatter explained. As team Rwby were wandering around they noticed Albert and Gevatter who had suddenly returned they watched as they seemed to be in a hurry. Blake took the most interest. Wiess looks over at Blake. "Um...You aren't thinking what I think you're going to do." Wiess asked aloud, causing everyone's attention to be drawn to Blake. "You want to know what they are doing?" Yang asked calmly, Blake only nodded. "Then go for it but you better hurry, cause they do this teleport-y thing and the best way to do it is to grab hold of Albert and not let go, he won't notice you." Ruby stated, and to that Blake was already gone. As Albert and Gevatter get to a good place to transmat out, when they do Albert felt that same sensation when Ruby grabbed a hold of him at that one point, so he was already suspicious. Gevatter and Albert stand in his ship looking at the moon. "Alright Heading towards our 'campsite' on the Lunar surface." Albert states calmly. Gevatter only looks at the broken moon.

"What calamity I wonder caused such a shattering..." gevatter asked curiously aloud. "It's almost like a god like power crushed it." He added. As the ship proceeded, they landed on the lunar surface. "Welcome to 'Threshold'." Albert stated as the two looked out on the moon. "You have a lovely setup going here.. did you take inspiration from Eris? Well anyways let's get out and explore shall we?" Gevatter asked curiously. Albert just nodded as Gevatter went to the Hanger bay door to open it. Albert stopped him, "Hey wait.." Albert stated calmly as Gevatter turned and looked at him. Albert digs through a drawer and pulls out a set of Dreambane armor. "Blake what size clothing do you happen to wear? You know what, Nina could you just scan her so we can refit this armor for her?" Albert asks aloud with Blake coming out of the shadows confused. " did you know I was even here?" Blake asked curiously. "I felt this exact same sensation when Ruby snuck aboard so I figured since you're here might as well make yourself useful" Albert states with a smile.

A Titan in the Rose Field (A Destiny-Rwby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now