Chapter 23

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(Amity Arena)

Ruby was staring down Mercury. "What are you doing here! You-you were hurt!" Ruby said, trying to figure everything out. "What's going on!" Ruby demanded only getting an evil grin from her so-called 'friend'. "Are our fighters ready?" Oobleck said over the speaker. Ruby's eyes widen as she realizes her time is running out. "3, 2,...1 BEGIN!" Oobleck stated over the speaker. "Showtime..." Mercury states with grim intent. Ruby tries to fight off Mercury but is overpowered. As Pyrrha and Penny engage in combat, Emerald uses her semblance to manipulate the situation. As Pyrrha in her illusion realizes how many of Penny's blades she uses her semblance to a greater extent, in reality she then rips Penny practically in half. The crowd goes dead quiet in shock. "NO!" Port shouted in anger. This gathers the attention of the Grimm at the not too far Mount Glenn. With a certain Hive Major chuckling as he realizes it's time, He lets out a howl as the Grimm frenzy...with the Hive emerging from their nest in full force ready to attack. Back at the Arena..

Ruby runs around the corner to see she was too late. "P-penny.." she falls to her knees and bursts into tears. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING CUT THE FEED!" Oobleck yells to one of the broadcasters in the room. "Somethings wrong, we don't have control of the network! WE CAN'T STOP IT!" The broadcaster states as he frantically tries to cut the feed. "WHAT HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" Oobleck states. (At the fairgrounds)
Albert and Gevatter both stand up from their seats in shock as they see a chest piece appear on screen. " not a tragedy. This is not an Accident. This is what happens when you put your trust, your safety, your children, to false heroes but who are simple men....and they put their faith in Pawns of a so-called... 'great machine.'..." Gevatter and Albert stare at the tv..with not only fear of what is to come next...but determination to stop it from coming. Ironwood was listening and realized who she was talking about and became angered and began to walk up the stairs of Amity. "They cling to this power in the name of a so-called Peace. And yet..what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army, mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl? I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference." Albert and Gevatter both start to think of their game plan as they feel an overwhelming sense of darkness, they both look towards mount glenn which is now brewing like a dark thunder storm.

"As for Ozpin, what is he teaching his students? And what does he expect of the Pawns of a great power, One that can Kill a God. They claim to have honor and mercy, yet I have not seen this at all...whether it be from Ozpin's so-called Huntsmen and Huntresses...or his Pawns of the Great Machine." Ozpin was staring with his eyes widened at his screen in anger and fear. "Perhaps Ozpin felt as though defeating Atlas in the Tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets. Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong. But I know the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves." Albert gripped his Bad Juju tight, and Gevatter prepared as many void copies with Deathbringer in hand as ready.

"So I ask you: When the first shots are fired... who do you think you can trust?" She finished, and the screen cuts to static. As Port, Oobleck and the crew within the arena were trying to figure things out, it happened. It causes the whole integrity of the vale to go in silence. The sound of sirens wailed through the city. Albert and Gevatter look at the oncoming Grimm hoard. "So....the beginning of the end is upon us..." Albert asked Gevatter who was seemingly in prayer. "And in the power of the Travelers light that we burn this ever encroaching darkness to ash.." He murmurs. "Albert..." Gevatter states calmly looking at his titan friend. Albert looks at him... "Let us...REIGN DEATH UPON THEM ALL!" Gevatter yells as he teleports away. Albert simply chuckles as he pulls the bolt back on Bad Juju, loading a burst into the chamber as he runs off to battle. As Albert began to attack any grimm he saw he saw whitefang ships pulling into the cliff side at the beacon. "Oh no..." He murmurs as he begins to run towards Beacon.

A Titan in the Rose Field (A Destiny-Rwby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now