Chapter 7

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(Outskirts of Mount Glenn)

Albert would stand surrounded by Grimm, several of which were champions, Overload Borbatusks and Barrier Beowulfs to be exact. He was in his bubble trying to figure out the best way to take these guys out. "What did Ozpin get us into this time?" Albert muttered. He looked up to see a Darkblade class Ultra Knight appear above the grimm on a cliffside not too far away and he knew in an instant that the VIP he was sent after, Sarvack, Gifted to Salem.

14 hours earlier.

Albert was sitting quietly eating a bowl of Oatmeal, he was studying a map, and as well as on his scroll he has a list of all of the known agents of Salem, as well as the Grimm that have been corrupted with Darkness to make them Champions. He would pause and look up to see teams RWBY and JNPR. "umm...May I help you?" Albert asked with a smile as he closed his scroll. " could we ask how old you are?" Ruby asked with a wee bit of suspicion in her voice. "Uh.." Albert then looked to Blake who had a guilty face, he sighed. "18" Albert said with the fakest smile he could muster. Ruby,Weiss, Yang, and JNPR looked at him with skepticism, "So it's true are you an Alien?!" Nora asked. Albert at that moment was drinking from a cup and he spat the drink out in surprise. "Oye oye...keep your voice down, you don't know who could be your enemy" Albert stated irritated as he rolled up his map. "So it is true, canwesee yourlittledroneandwhataboutallyourweaponsandthesuperpowersyouhave?!" Ruby asked. Albert looked concerned and was trying to think of a way out of it. "Can Albert Woods report to Professor Ozpin's Office admitaly." The PA said, Albert sight. "Save by the bell....Well I have to go..soo" Albert said, keeping the first part of it to himself.

RWBY and JNPR Looked at him unimpressed as he ran out to get to Ozpin's office. Albert made his way into the tower and walked into the elevator and pushed the button he assumed was Ozpin's office. Albert was standing there listening to the Elevator music. The doors open and Albert looks to see a raggedy man wearing a red cloak and Ozpin talking. "Ah, Albert I'm glad you came." Ozpin said. Albert nodded as he walked over and sat down with the 2. "So you're the guy from the other world.." The man asked as he took a swig from his flask. "Yeah, and are?" Albert asked. "Just call me Qrow" He replied calmly as he put his flask back into his pocket. "So what is it you wanted me here for?" Albert asked as Nina popped out of his backpack and began to float above her guardian's shoulder. "Well actually I can answer that question kid." Qrow states as he pulls out his scroll and pulls up an image. "When I was out scouting and looking for the horrors of Salem, I came across this thing, it had a small horde of similar looking things getting set up in the outskirts near Mount Glenn...but that's beside the point it looked like it was upgrading Grimm into those things you call Champions." Qrow said as he looked up at Albert who was staring deeply at the photo. "You gotta be kidding me.." Albert muttered. "Albert you don't suppose." Nina asked. "Yeah.... There's no doubt in my mind, Savathûn gifted Salem with one of her lieutenants..." Albert said as he rubbed his chin.

" Savathûn?" Qrow asks in curiosity. "Savathûn, The Witch Queen, Sister to Oryx, The Taken King, and Xivu Arath, The God of War. They are the 3 hive gods, I managed to Kill Oryx with the help of 5 other guardians, but Xivu Arath has never made herself seen and Savathûn has been planting seeds for years now..and now the Queen of Lies is on your planet aiding Salem." Albert said bluntly. "She doesn't sound as bad as Salem." Qrow mutters as he took a swig. "What has Salem done? Other than slowly claiming land" Albert asked. Both Ozpin and Qrow look at him. "Savathûn can be held accountable to the extinctions of many interstellar species. Not to mention the owning of several war moons, the trickery of many higher ups within all military forces, and the creator of a curse that has put the city of dreams into an endless loop of slaughter." Albert states coldly "So...My job is to loosen her grips on remnant,and then deal with Salem." Albert added as he looked at both Ozpin and Qrow. "so where do you want me to start my hunt?" Albert asked curiously. "At the outskirts of the old Vale territory near Mount Glenn, I'll send you the information on the location to your scroll and I assume your little light can take over." Ozpin said with a smile.

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