Chapter 4

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(Canteen, Beacon Academy)

(Third Person) Albert was sitting in Beacon's Canteen, he was eating lunch quietly having an inner mind conversation with Nina. "So when do you think we'll go looking for the Agents of Savathûn?" Albert asked Nina curiously. "I'm not sure but I've been getting slight readings of Hive and Taken, you know Savathûn forces," Nina said. Albert nodded as he then pulled out a map and studied with a marker in his hand. He listened to Nina for possible leads and hacked into this neighboring kingdom's surveillance and all sorts of other things going into back doors to find any information on the agents of Savathûn. He gathered enough to get 3 locations of rough estimates. He was only stopped when he felt another presence, he looked up to see Blake staring at him. Albert took a slow swallow food in his mouth. "Uh.. Is there anything I can do for you Blake?" Albert asked in an uneasy tone. She stared deep into his eyes, "There's something not sitting right with me when it comes from you.." Blake said as she walked around the table looking at the map under Albert's forearm and the circles on it. "You seemingly don't have an Aura...yet there's some sort of power.." Blake said as she placed her hand on Albert's Shoulder. Her eyes widened as she brought her hand back to her.

(Blake's POV) As soon as I placed my hand on his shoulder to figure out his Aura issue I felt it. It felt like the warmth of the sun rays, but it was also an intense force, like it was almost there pushing up to her, She felt it a little before but now she actually felt it, was an extreme pushing force.

(Third Person) "uh..are you okay?" Albert asked as he stared at Blake who was holding her hand. "Blake?" Albert asks, poking her, causing her to come back to her senses. She shook her head and looked at Albert. "I'm keeping my eyes on you and I will find the Truth.." Blake said as she walked over to her team. "Truth...Is where you seek it.." Albert muttered as he sighed. Then he was sitting there and yawned until Albert heard something he hated to hear, especially as a Titan. "OW!" "I Can't believe they're real!" Two voices clashed. He looked over to see a man in armor and a girl with rabbit ears. "I know what you're thinking...Show'em what it means to be a guardian" Nina said. Albert got up and walked over, and stood behind this gingerish hair. His team all looked up at the lumbering shadowing behind their leader, Albert saw a simple situation, He grabbed the kid by the back plate of armor lifting him into the air. This forced him to let go of the girl. Albert tossed him onto the table, "Cardin are you alright?!" One of his goons asked. "Hey, hey are you alright?" Albert asked the girl. She nods. "Um...thanks, uh.." She was stopped at not knowing his name. "Albert, Albert Woods" He replied to her with a gentle smile. "Velvet, Velvet Scarlatina" She said to Albert with a warm smile until she was about to say something as this Cardin character smashed one of the metal trays onto the back on his head. He sighed and turned and looked at Albert. "Are you okay are yo-" velvet started to get frantic. "It's okay, I'm fine, This is what it means to be a Guardian'' Albert said with a smile as he then went ahead and punched Cardin into a wall. "If you want to, you may sit with me or see that group over there, you can sit there if you need." Albert said with a smile. Velvet nodded and walked over to Team RWBY and JNPR. Albert sighed with a smile and then looked at Cardin. "Have you ever heard of honor? You come to a place like this yet you're ignorant..Such a waste of air.." Albert muttered.

Cardin spat in his general direction. "You just got lucky, I'll get you in Goodwitch's class" Cardin said,Albert just shrugged, "yeah smashed my head with a metal tray and I didn't even flinch call that luck.." Albert muttered as he got ready to leave the Canteen, and he went back and saw that some of his stuff was moved around. He remembered what Blake said, "Looks like we..or should I say you got a Stalker.." Nina stated, "Is that jealousy I hear?" Albert replied to get no answer from his little light. "Come on it was funny! Nina? Niiiina! Hello I know you're in my head Little light" Albert stated as he continued to walk out of the canteen with his stuff, "Don't call me that" Nina said in irritation as Albert went to his class with this Dr. Oobleck. Again like always he was the only one there other than Oobleck. He sat down in the front of the room. "Ah hello there Mr.Woods!" Oobleck stated as he began to zoom up to Albert at inhuman speeds. "HOLY CRAP THIS GUY LITERALLY JUST MOVED AS FAST AS A TELEPORTING VEX" Nina said in her disbelief, which in turn earned a chuckle from Albert. "So, I understand you may have heard this but all of us know your mission Mr.Woods, but I do have some questions which hopefully you may have the answers to!" Oobleck stated. "sure..I don't see wh-" Albert started only to be cut off, "PERFECT!" Oobleck yelled. "So...first of all what do these Hive and Taken as they are called look like?" Oobleck asked. "Well, the Hive are just a bunch of humanoid looking creatures that are basically undead as far as I can tell, but they have an interesting anatomy similar to your grimm, is that they most of the time fade to ash when defeated, and not to mention their packed with the worms, but then the Taken are what they sound like they are well taken.." Albert said. "Now how does one become taken?" Oobleck asked. "Hey hey, I'm no warlock, but from what I heard they are removed from our plane of existence and re-birthed in Darkness, and this can happen to any species, trust me...I've seen it.." Albert explained. "So what else do you have for me?" Albert asked Oobleck, "Tell me, how far of a History does your humanity have?" Oobleck asked in curiosity. "Well before the Traveler, a sort of god per se entered our solar system, humanity had been around for several thousand years if my short history lessons in the tower serve me right, and then after the Traveler it was a golden age for humanity where I came from, we walked in the stars, but that all changed after the collapse..then it was a dark...and cold way of existence, where most people died because of Greed, Fear, and a human need to survive..and that was the dark age...and then until recent years we've been thriving on our world in one last safe city.." Albert explained. "And one final question Mr.Woods, what is this Traveler you speak of? And is it the source of your power?" Oobleck asked as he took a sip from his thermos. "Well the Traveler is an unknown orb that can give life to lifeless worlds and aid civilizations, and in a way yes, when the collapse happened it was a battle between Goliaths, a fight between Light and Dark, the Traveler or the Light, had won but at a cost, and in dying breath of the Traveler it created the Ghosts, and the ghosts are what provide a guardian with their light, They go on their journey to resurrect their guardians" Albert explained. "So does that mean..." Oobleck asked curiously, "that I was dead? Yeah...and from what my ghost said, I'd been dead for a while, I was resurrected in a city that had been burnt to the ground by..well in the easiest way to say it, space pirates..but that's a different story for a different day." Albert said calmly. "May I see your ghost?" Oobleck asked curiously. Albert shook his head. "Maybe later, I already have fears that people are listening...I just don't feel too comfortable." Albert said with Oobleck nodding, then to Albert's surprise Oobleck put a rather large text book in front of him with a notebook and pen. "Now this is our class text book, I recommend you read it, and take notes, as you will need this knowledge to survive in our world" Oobleck said with a smile as others came into the classrooms, the first of which was Blake Belladonna, and Albert had a gut feeling just from those amber eyes staring right into his soul she got parts of her answers.

After some time of spacing out because of the fact that Oobleck was too fast for Albert to keep track of he decided to read the text book provided to him. It wasn't until some untasteful comments between that Cardin kid and J&P, as well as a little bit of Blake. "Why I oughta-" Cardin was getting up from his seat only to be stopped by a gunshot and a whizzing sound going past his head. Everyone looked at the man holding the revolver(sunshot), It was Albert, and as he was doing this he was still reading and taking notes on this text book only to look up and look at his sunshot in his hand. He sighed with a chuckle. "Sorry didn't even realise I had this in my hands, funny right.." Albert said as he put down the sunshot. Everything went back to normal for the most part, and after that Albert was getting up to leave as he was stopped by Pyrrha. "um..Albert, I can't help but ask you for a favor," Pyrrha asked as she grabbed ahold of Albert's wrist. "Um..sure what can I help you with?" Albert said calmly. After a bit of explaining. Pyrrha, Juane, and Albert all go up to the rooftop. "Now we can train in private." Pyrrha stated with her joyful smile as perusal. Albert stood and watched as it unfolded. "I lied! I got my hands on some fake transcripts. I lied!" Juane said almost as if he was going to cry. "but..Why?" Pyrrha asked him. "My Father, Grandfather, and his father before him were all warriors! They were all warriors! They were all heroes! I wanted to be one, too. And I just wasn't good enough." Juane stated with sadness in his eyes. Albert continued as he watched as Juane pushed Pyrrha away, and soon Juane looked at Albert. "Why did she bring you along anyways.." Juane asked Albert as he walked to the edge of the building. "It's beautiful..." Albert stated calmly confusing Juane, "The moon, It was shattered by the heavens probably" Albert said as he turned to Jaune who gave him a perplexed look. "But...something I that Devotion leads to bravery and bravery leads to self sacrifice...deep down..I can see a spark of bravery that wants to break free...And trust me...if Ozpin wanted you would have been gone a long time ago.." Albert said as he had his hand on Jaune's shoulder. As Albert was about to close the door he saw Cardin and Jaune have a little conversation. He sighed, "we should really help him you know" Nina said to Albert, "no...It's his destiny, I can only be Virgil to his Dante..." Albert stated as he closed the door. "You sound too much like Toland" Nina stated, as Albert turned around he was caught staring at two amber eyes looking at him. "You got some explaining to do.." Blake said. "Uh..I don't need to explain anything. I'm just a person like you." Albert said as he began to walk. "So you just have conversations with yourself on the regular, and not to mention that you come from a different world" Blake said, that stopped Albert in his tracks as he turned around and sighs. "'s going to be a long night...come on" Albert muttered. 

(to be continued) 

(I hope you enjoy Chapter 4, Sorry for the wait, but Beyond Light came out and that's been keeping me busy next to school, but I'm a bit more motivated then usual to write, so expect maybe another chapter within the week) 

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