Chapter 22

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(Ozpin's Office)

Ozpin sighed as he was re-watching the footage of the Xiao Long-Black fight. He was interrupted by his thoughts when he heard the elevator door open. He looked up to see the Warlock Gevatter Tod. "You look like you fell off a building." Ozpin states calmly, taking a sip from his mug. Gevatter looked at the slightly tarnished armor, he simply snapped his fingers and it was prepared in an instant due to him being a light copy. "Airship but you were close." Gevatter replies as he walks towards the Emerald Wizard. He took a seat. "Where is the Tin man?" Gevatter asked. "Talking Ms.Xiao Long." Ozpin replied to the mysterious warlock who only sighed. "Well...the agents me and Albert were hunting....there plan was successful...or at least the start of it was." Gevatter stated as he adjusted his helmet. "Hm? Are you stating that the battle between Ms.Xiao long and Mr.Black was?" Ozpin was about to finish his sentence when Gevatter interrupted, "I hate to say it Ozpin, but that game was rigged from the start.".

Ozpin sighed. "So we played into their hands?" Ozpin asked Gevatter. "No...not yet I believe if we keep ourselves on high alert. Who is to fight in the coming day today?" Gevatter asked calmly. Ozpin scrolled through, "I'm not too sure it's a gamble the system is randomized." Ozpin states. Gevatter sighed, "Then Me and Albert will do our best to try and stop the end of the world." Gevatter stated as he got up and began to walk to the exit. Just then Ironwood would come from the elevator door and the two would pass. Ironwood would suddenly stop in shock. "Gevatter? When did you get back on Remnant?" Ironwood asked. "Not now James, trying to stop the end of the world." Gevatter states as he enters the elevator. As soon as he left Ironwood looked at Ozpin, "Did he just say what I think he said?" Ironwood asked, Ozpin only nodded.

(Beacon dorms)
Albert was standing outside of RWBY's dorm. It seemed like everyone was going in and out. He then looked up to see Gevatter. "How is her mental state?" Gevatter asked. "As well as she can be when she's being perceived as crazy." Albert replied. "Is she alone?" Gevatter asked curiously. Albert shook his head, "No, Qrow is still in there." Albert states calmly. "Well I'd like to have a little conversation with Ms.Xiao Long." Gevatter states. Albert nodded. The two knocked on the door. Qrow and Yang look at the two guardians. "Hello. Qrow. Yang." Gevatter states. Both nod/wave in greetings. "I'd like to question Ms.Xiao Long....alone.." Gevatter states looking at Qrow. "I do your thing guardians." Qrow states as he leaves. "Later firecracker" Qrow said with a wave as he left. "So what do you want?" Yang asks, a little bitter. "What happened exactly? I want to know what you saw." Gevatter asked as he kneeled down. Yang sighed. "I'll tell you exactly what I said to everyone else, after I finished the fight I watched Mercury get back up to attack me, next thing I know I shot him in the leg and he's on the ground and I'm surrounded by Atlas soldiers." Yang explains in a bit of bitterness. Gevatter simply sighs. "I'm sorry that you were ever involved in this..." Gevatter states calmly, Yang would look at him confused. "What...what do you mean?" Yang asked. Albert looked at Gevatter in shock. "Gevatter are you sure? She went through enough stress already. She basically has the whole world against her, are you sure it's the wisest to tell her that information." Albert asked his teammate.

"Dredgen Behemoth, as the leader of your fireteam I want to let you know personally that you should have your full faith in me." Gevatter states calmly. Albert simply nodded. "Yes...sir.." Albert stated reluctantly. Yang looked at Gevatter. "Let me ask you Yang....what would you want to bring with you to the world ended." Gevatter asked calmly. Yang would look at him worried and confused, "T-the end of the world?" Yang asked, her bitterness turning to fear. "Yes...the End of the world." Gevatter stated again calmly. "Come on this isn't funny, what kind of sick joke is this. Albert come on he's joking right....right?" Yang asked as she looked at the Titan who only looked down. "Yang...what he's truth" Albert stated quietly. "You guys are serious...if the world is gonna end..when is it gonna end huh?" Yang asked skeptically. "Well...the next match in that Colosseum, so it might even end later today. If we are lucky tomorrow or even the day after that...but you haven't answered the question. What would you want with you at the end of the world?" Gevatter asked. Yang stopped and thought about it. "My team, so we could help try and prevent it." Yang said with fire in her eyes. Gevatter whose helmet was on was definitely smiling. "Good. you answered correctly." Gevatter stated as he stood up.

"Yang I hope to see you help us in the fight, but for now... sorry for the scare...get some deserve it." Gevatter states as he makes his way to the door. "Well come on Albert we got things to do." Gevatter states opening the door. "Later Yang." Albert states as he walks out and closes the door. Yang looks at the door and then out the window. Gevatter's voice echoing through her head. "The End of the world might even happen later today..." Tears began to form in her eyes. "That guy's a jerk..." She mutters and laughs a little as she rubs the tears from her eyes.

(Festival grounds.)

Albert and Gevatter were making their plan of all the places they would need to secure and what not to make sure the safety of humanity and life on this planet are to thrive. "Alright, the vault here will be important as this will probably be their main target." Gevatter states. "A vault under the school? What's there?" Albert asks Gevatter, who only looks around. "They are keeping something of great importance down there....I'm not sure what exactly is...her... point but they keep a woman in stasis down there." Gevatter stated. Both continued their plans as they looked up at the Television. "The next matches are about to be randomized in a few minutes." The broadcaster said. "Well we'll see if this is the match....let's...hope for the best.." Gevatter states with Albert only nodding.

(Amity)As Ruby was in the Colosseum she looked out into the crowd to see an all too familiar face. "Emerald?" Ruby questioned. Emerald realized she was spotted and tried to make her get away. Ruby decides to chase after her and she makes it up to a door when a very unexpected guess comes into sight. "Now time to begin the randomization." Oobleck said as he read off his card. "Mercury?!" Ruby states looking at the unharmed Mercury, who had gotten himself a new pair of shiny legs after what Gevatter did. (<- more something for all of you since Ruby didn't know this.) "It looks like the first contender is...Penny Polendina of Atlas....and her opponent is Pyrrha Nikos of Beacon!" Port announces, Mercury only looked with a grim smile. Ruby came to the realization. "No...." She stated as she looked up. "Oh, polarity versus metal. That could be...bad" He states with malice. Ruby goes for Crescent Rose only for it not to be there, and she looks up at Mercury who simply got into a fighting position. She pulled out her scroll and typed something quickly to Albert knowing he might be able to do something.

Albert saw a text on his scroll he read it and his blood went cold. "What is it Albert...Albert?" Gevatter asked him calmly. "Metal versus a Magnet."

-To be continued. 

A Titan in the Rose Field (A Destiny-Rwby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now