Chapter 14: part 2

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(Beacon Auditorium)

As Albert stood waiting he was watching Ozpin speak on unity and other such things, that Albert has now seen as a simple gleam of hope in a dark world. He sighed as it reminded him of the Speaker, but he didn't let his thoughts cloud him, he knew what he was meant to do, what he was destined to do here in this world, Stop Savathûn at all costs. "So you really think Team RWBY will be accompanying us to Mount Glenn?" Nina asked Albert. Albert just laughed at his ghost, "Of course why wouldn't they" He replied Nina as the two watched as The 4 were looking at the bounty board. He'd listen in on them, "here we go! Quadrant 5 Grimm clear out!" Ruby states with glee, "Well it is in the Southeast" Blake remarks, "sounds perfect" Yang adds. Albert snickers, "See told you they'd pick the exact area we are getting deployed to." He could tell Nina was unamused by this but then Ozpin approaches, "well not for long at least" Nina remarks to her Guardian. "How about before you all go breaking the Rules, how about we bend them? Plus, I think you'll be in safe hands.." Ozpin remarks as he pushes some buttons on his scroll and gives a glance over to Albert. "Told ya so..." Albert whispers to Nina.

Albert get's a scroll notification, he looks for it in his pockets but couldn't find it, "uh Nina could you patch in that scroll notification onto my objectives on my HUD?" Albert asked as he saw the message appear in his helmet. "Your Bullhead is awaiting, you will accompany Dr.Oobleck and Team RWBY, your primary Mission is to hunt Sarvack, but if that means saving RWBY and Oobleck then by all means interfere, but know your mission is that." - Goodwitch. Albert just sighed, "great we are with the bigger caffeine addict then I am." Albert said as he walked towards the Bullheads passing RWBY and an unknown team with the Velvet girl from before. Ruby took notice to Albert walking towards the same bullhead area as they were, "ALLLBERT!" Ruby yelled. Albert stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. "Yeah?" He asked as he walked back towards them. "WHEREAREYOUGOINGAREYOUGOINGTOTHESAMEPLACEASUS!?OHMYGODTHATWOULDBESOOOOOOCOOL!" Ruby kept this up for the next few minutes.

"Uh...yeah you got assigned to Quadrant 5 right?" Albert asked curiously. "Yep!" Yang said with a smile. "Yeah I'll be in the area but our missions are different at this time." Albert said with a smile. As he turned back around he began to make his way back to the bullhead when he did Dr.Oobleck was there waiting. "AH! Albert good to see you!" He said with a smile. "Professor" Albert greeted. "Doctor" He replied to the titan who only let out a chuckle. "You don't happen to know where Team RWBY is correct?" He asked him. "Well I have a few ideas, but they are sure to come, you know that group" Albert said with a smile. As the group came, they were all dumbfounded as they were looking at Oobleck. "Why, Hello girls! Who is ready to fight for their lives?" Oobleck said with a big smile. Albert watched it play out as Weiss was just asking a question and Ooblecks response of course was over the top so Albert really did stop paying attention as he always does. He was sitting on the hatch door talking with Nina at the moment. "So, do you have intel on this Mount Glenn?" Albert asked. "Do you have this bad of a memory? That's where we previously faced off against Sarvack the first time." Nina said calmly. "Oh right...hehe sorry" Albert said rubbing the back of his neck. "But how can we be sure he'll be there?" Albert asks Nina. "Wellllll, I hate to do this but what if we use something as bait? Also you know hive...they always go to the same place, from what I can tell that's a Hive Nest, a small one but a Hive nest" Nina said calmly.

Albert nodded at this and was deep in though until Oobleck caught his attention as he stuck his head out the door at the conversating Teams RWBY and JNPR. "FOUR MINUTES LADIES" Oobleck stated to them in his Oobleck ways. Albert just snickered as he got up and entered the bullhead sitting down. "I don't understand why we couldn't take our ship, it's in Orbit as of right now" Nina asked her guardian. "Hey, free transport is free transport." Albert said to Nina as he continued to read his files on his HUD. (small timeskip to when they are in the air) Albert was only paying small attention to the conversation between RWBY and Oobleck, "like the mushrooms?" Ruby asks, "those are truffles." Blake replied, "like the sprout?" Ruby asks again, "Those are Brussels." Yang added. Albert snickered at that as he thought it was adorable, but he was dragged back to his field notes. "Correct! It stands abandoned and a Dark reminder!" Oobleck states, Albert looks up at that. "Sorry, Mr.Woods did I strike a nerve with that?" Oobleck asked, as Team RWBY and he looked at him. "Oh..I guess, sorry for the longest time, most of the places I patrolled were abandoned remnants of something great, as well as my home planet is practically both a dark reminder and a beacon of hope..though...Nevermind, keep going on your briefing" Albert said waving it off as they continued to talk.

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