Secret Santa

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The Avengers practically had to beg Tony not to throw an insane Christmas party with 300+ guests on the 25th. It saved Tony the money and the team's sanity which was a win-win. Instead, Tony planned a little Secret Santa among the Avengers and other trusted friends. It was to be done after Christmas dinner by the gigantic Christmas tree in the main living room area.

You knew Tony rigged the game so he got himself. It wasn't unfair per se, there were 15 of you all in all if Tony included himself and it would be perfect if the number of guests were even.

You got your old pal, Steve, Captain America himself. When Tony told you, you had to buy Steve a Christmas gift, ideas started coming endlessly. You wanted it to be sincere but at the same time a gag. It would be hilarious to give him a walking cane but he wouldn't have any use for it.... at present. 

You decided to buy him something that reminded him of the simpler times in the 40's, one he can also share with Bucky.

“Do you remember Steve's favorite band in the 40s?” you had asked Bucky one day when you were alone in the kitchen with him.

His eyebrows furrowed before catching your eye.

“Is this a test?” he asked.

You shook your head. “No. This is for Secret Santa,” you told him in a softer voice.

Bucky's face lit up in recognition. “Oh, yes of course. I think I do remember... It was the Andrews Sisters!” said he. “I remember teasing him because he had the hots for Patty.”

“I best include that in the note.” you said. “Thanks, Bucky! You've been of great help.”


It was a tad suspicious that you walked on foot from the Tower to the Antique Store. Luckily no one saw you embracing a vinyl record in your arms while hurrying down the street. Unluckily though, someone did see you.

“What is that?” Loki asked when he saw you trying to sneak past him rather pathetically.

“What is what?” you said nonchalantly.

“The thing you have hidden behind your back.”

“It's nothing don't worry about it,” you tried to wave him off.

“I know it's a present. You might as well tell me who it's for.”

“What if it's for you?”

“Doubt it.”

You hid the present in your room before going back to Loki to feed his curiosity.

“It's a record,” you said in a quiet voice. Loki raised a brow. “For Steve.”

“Ah. The Captain.”

“Who did you get?” you asked him.

“Someone good,” Loki smirked before disappearing. You tried to speak or at least to call him back but to no avail.

You guess you'll just have to wait.

Now that it was the 25th, the Avengers and company gathered at the huge Christmas tree at the top most level of the Tower, the main living room area. Tony insisted that all of you wear ugly Christmas sweaters, and the man himself arrived wearing a tailored suit with loud Christmas patterns. The genius was so fucking proud of himself.

There wasn't a fireplace in the room so the large television projecting a crackling log fire was enough.

It was around 9pm, every one just had Christmas dinner that consisted of many roasted and cured slices of pork and beef that were probably worth more than your life, heavenly mashed potato, the center piece being a roast chicken, plenty of sides including glazed carrots and leafy green salads. In short, it was a feast. The super soldiers and Thor, the lone Asgardian made the biggest dent in the pile. Yes, lone Asgardian, for Loki didn't feel like attending the gathering despite having a Secret Santa.

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