Time Travelling's a Bitch

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"Don't worry! I've practiced enough!" You told your friend determinedly, pumping up yourself before attempting to teleport into another time.

"What if you don't come back?" Tony chewed on his lip anxiously.

"Do you remember all the possible consequences of all this?"

"Shut up, Steve. I don't need to hear all your righteous BS right now." you huffed.

"See you in the next life, kid!" Clint called from the kitchen.

"Okay! Okay! In three, two, one! Bye!"



Then high pitched ringing pierced your ears. All was white, almost blinding to your vision. Your head hurts. It felt like you were pulled and shoved and thrown around. You felt like you were going to vomit. But the ringing stopped and your vision cleared. You rubbed your eyes open to see faces and bodies clad in black and white. They looked peculiar to you, and they were looking at you equally bewildered. Your vision got clearer and clearer. The faces got more details and their clothing became more prominent.

They were clothed in black and white, some were in beiges and browns and as they stared at you horrified, you stared right back them confused. Top hats, white collars, buckled shoes.

Oh no.

"Witch!" one of the shouted and pointed at you.

"Burn her!"

"Magic user!"


"Burn her!"

"Shit!" you screeched.

You bolted right out of there. Your feet carrying you into what you assumed was a big forest. You hear the crowd chase after you into the forest. Feeling rocks and twigs whip just barely past your head, alarming you. So you pick up the pace and try to lose them by twisting and turning in various directions. You didn't stop sprinting until you reached the center of the forest that held a wide lake and the Puritan crowd stopped throwing things your way.

You heaved in and out repeatedly, feeling your heartbeat in your eardrums, your face also warmed from the sudden blood rush. You sat down at the edge of the lake, leaning back onto a thick tree trunk, breathing heavily. You felt like you were gonna pass out, you felt your head thudding againts the trunk, your limbs felt like they were going to fall off. Not to mention your aching thighs and knees.

Crawling over miserably onto the clear lake, you scooped up water into your palms and you drank. You drank a lot. The water touched your tongue and it felt incredible. It was cool and fresh. Just something you truly needed at that moment. You felt rejuvenated, and so after a few more heaving breaths, you got on your feet and got ready to teleport back.

"You are not from here." a voice declared from behind you.

You turned around to reply and surveyed the person that spoke. He wore metal and leather and a fur coat, he stood tall and elegant. He bore green-blue eyes accompanying his pale complexion and jet black hair. "No I'm not. I'm willing to bet that you too aren't from around here."

"You've magic. I felt it all the way across the lake." he said almost accusingly.

"Are you going to burn me at the stake for it?"

"Far from it," he stepped towards you. "Seeing your clothing, you do not look like you are not from this time. I feel as if you dwell from the future. And I wish to learn that skill." he declared, almost arrogantly.

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