Time Capsule

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Hello dear readers!!!

I'm back!!!!!!!!! The Loki series and I greet you with grace 😌

Hope you enjoy!!
P.S. Loki and reader are 12 at beginning of the fic and Odin used to be a spy in Norway ;)
“Dig faster!” You urged your bestest friend, Loki, who was currently hunched over a tiny hole he was making.

“It'll be faster if you actually helped!” he complained.

“But I'm holding onto the capsule thingy!”

“Then put it down?!”

“It's gonna get all dirty-”

“We are literally burying it in dirt.”

“Loki!” You scolded him lightheartedly. “Come on please it's nearly night time and we're in the woods! I don't want to die here!”

“We're in mum and dad's property.” he deadpanned.


Loki sighed. “Give me the capsule.”

You handed it to him with no question, you've now swapped with your tools.

Loki kneeled before the large tree where he dug a hold in front of. It was slightly deep so that it wont get easily discovered and ruined by nature and other components. One he was satisfied that the capsule was secure enough in the little pit, he covered it with soil and then gave the dirt a satisfactory pat with his shovel.

“How long do you think we'll keep it there?” You asked Loki.

“10 years?” He answered.

“Too early.”


“Too soon.”

“15 then.”

“Alright,” you said firmly. “In 10 years time, on this exact date at 9:31pm. We will dig this capsule up. No matter what happens.”

Loki seemed to agree but still has a quip waiting at the end of his tongue.“What if I'm dead by then?”

You scoffed. “You're Loki Odinson. You're impossible to kill.”

“Why? Have you tried?”

“Many times.”



There was always this particular joy that you get to experience in your childhood that you never truly get in adulthood. Maybe it's the innocence that comes with being a kid, or that curiosity you carried with deep fervor when you were a mere child. Because in adulthood, that innocence is long gone, the world is no longer filled with sunshine and rainbows, only responsibilities that seemed to weigh you down. And that curiosity turns more bitter as you grow older, taking turn for the worst.

You had a fairly nice childhood, grew up near the woods in a normal sized cabin with a normal family. Very peculiar neighbors though. The Odinsons are of Scandinavian decent, probably explains the surname, they are peaceful and intelligent but also strange.

Frigga and Odin's eldest, Thor, was very talented in the art of fighting, perhaps too talented. He could wield any weapon you throw at him, though he preferred the axe or hammer. You would always run into him in the woods doing something questionable. One time you saw him taste test each and every leaf he could find to know which ones were poisonous. He was miraculously not sent to the hospital.

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