You Wound Me

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“We have to meet the Allfather first—”

“Do I look like I care?”

Your sharp tongue is about to get you in trouble again.

Thor was chasing you after stompping out of the Bifrost angrily and hastily with purpose. He was only trying to save you from your own fate. But if the Allfather deems it proper for you to sleep in the cells for God knows how long, then so be it.

Your feet carried you down the halls of the golden palace, scaring any and every servant that passed by. Even the guards looked apprehensive to question you.

“Where are you even going?” Thor asked you quickly, picking up his pace when he realized that there was no stopping you.

“The dungeons.” you replied.

“He is not to have any visitors, you know that.” Thor told you sternly. He stepped right in front of you, a hard look on his face, his hands were wrapped tightly around Mjolnir.

You looked him dead in the eyes with a blank expression. A feeling of anger boiled within you as you crossed your arms in front of your chest.

“Do I look like I care Thor, son of Odin?” you spat bitterly, your jaw clenching with every syllable you spoke.

“Not one bit, but I know you're wise enough to keep yourself from getting into trouble. The Allfather has warned you multiple times.” His grip was loosening around his weapon when he saw the flash of realization across your eyes.

“If I spend eternity in the dungeons then so be it,” Thor's face fell. “I cannot live without him knowing my truth.” you told him desperately, your eyes slowly getting more and more glassy, your heart getting heavier by the second.

You imagined him in his cell, trying to rid himself of every memory he had of you. Blaming himself for everything he has done for you to keep you safe. You imagined him dying filled with hatred against you.

You calmly sighed.

1... 2... 3..

“Now will you please let me through?” you asked him in a calm voice, not letting your anger get the best of you.

Thor's head was hung low, he looked to meet your eyes and when you didn't, he stepped aside.

“Go to him,” He placed his hand on your shoulder, offering moral support. “Tell him I am sorry too.”

He smiled weakly at you before he left.

You sighed and carried on walking towards the cells. A million thoughts whizzed by you as your boot clad feet carried you down multiple hallways and staircases. What happens if your courage flaked? Will you walk away in tears or with ypur dignity? Will he even listen? Knowing Loki, his stubbornness and arrogance always gets the better of him, so maybe it's best that you don't give up easily. Match his stubbornness.

The dungeons were all brightly lit. A golden force field separating the prisoners from the outside world, they were- however- put on display. You marched towards the very back of the underground room, searching for a cell with furniture.

It has only been a few days since his sentencing, so the wound is still pretty flesh. Loki only read, ate and slept, nothing more.

“Go away.”

You hadn't expected Loki to be the first one to speak. You though he'd just ignore you and remain silent.

The force field of his cell slowly turned into an opaque shade of black by your magic. You also managed- albeit with a lot of strength, effort, and willpower- to get your whole self in the cell.

“No, I don't think I will.” you said to him once you've entered his cell. His back was turned to you, and you could only guess that his arms were folded neatly across his chest.

“I don't want your apology.” Loki spat bitterly.

“Thor is apologizing. Not I.”

Loki chuckled, but not the pleasant kind. It was harsh, doubting, venom-like. It was meant to hurt.

“Then pray tell, why have you come here?”

“I did not betray you—”

“Ah! Here we go! Just as I expected.” Loki said in a very light and joking tone, but his face was anything but. He has now turned to face you and he looked so angry, so hurt and menacing.

“If you would only listen then I shall tell you my reasoning. You're the god of lies, you'll know when I lie.” you raised your voice to cut him off as a flash of anger and desperation appeared in your eyes.

“I had no choice.” you said defeatedly.

“One never runs out of choices.” he countered.

“Not if you have my kind of magic,” you said bluntly, implying your gifted skill in foretelling. Loki made no reply so you took that opportunity to speak. “The Allfather was supposed to send you away to Alfheim for a thousand years for all the acts you've committed on Midgard-”

“You're telling me that my sentence could've been spent wonderfully and peacefully in a neighboring realm, but you stepped in and ripped that away from me?” Loki was becoming more and more hostile. “Are you so selfish to keep me on Asgard for yourself?”

“It is not like that!” you shouted.

“Then why?” Loki hissed.

“The Dark Elves are not extinct. They are dormant, waiting for the right time to strike. They thirst for vengeance and power. Do not underestimate them, Alfheim falls under their forces. The Light Elves were not prepared for war after years and years of peace  and tranquility. You die on Alfheim. You are far safer here, so much more purpose as well.”

“Is that all?”

“And I can't bear to lose you. I cannot live with the guilt knowing I could've saved you from your doom.”

“So much sentiment. It could kill you, you know?”

“If the sentiment regards you and your existence then so be it. Hel take me, I don't care.” You puffed up your chest in front of him, looking brave and determined despite the obvious struggle of keeping your tears from spilling.

Loki seemed to be debating something in his mind in the silence that fell after you spoke. He looks torn, his eyes look hardened and yet the longing has never disappeared in them.

His feet carried him to you effortlessly, as his hand cupped your face softly to bring your lips towards his. He kissed you ever so desperately, trying to gather a sense of reality. You were real, not an illusion. The walls were black, no longer transparent. It was truly just the two of you now, the other inmates can't see or hear what's been going on inside his cell.

“I have misjudged your choices. I'm sorry.” he said breathlessly when you parted.

“It's alright, Loki.” you told him softly, stroking his hand placed upon your cheek.

“You told me I had more purpose. What is it?”

“I don't want to challenge fate, therefore I cannot tell you much. But, you will get out this cell and you will have to fight.”

“How will I get out?”

“That is for only I to know. Please, when the convergence comes, don't do anything forceful to get out here, alright? It will happen. Don't force it.”

Loki nodded against your forehead.

“Do you have to go?” Loki asked, softly.

You shook your head. “No, not right now at least.”

“Good. That is very good.” he said, kissing your forehead.

“Why? Have you missed me?” you asked in a teasing tone.

Loki chuckled. “Yes,” he said. “Very much so.”

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